Patting her thylacine
I would just like to rant about those people who want to be instructors, but don't want to do the BHS Stages.
I have read so many threads by people who want exemptions from doing the Stages exams on the grounds that they 'can't ride strange horses', 'don't want to jump', 'don't have the money to pay for the fees', 'don't want to pay for the training', blah blah.
Now, I don't have anything against those many excellent instructors out there who are experts in their disciplines, such as eventing, dressage, SJ: they have proved that they can compete to a certain, professional level, and make a business of it.
It is more the people who want to charge others for the benefit of their experience, and knowledge, but they can't ride, don't want to pay for insurance, don't have a First Aid qualification - those people should be squelched under a rhino's bottom.
Thank you, I feel better now.
I have read so many threads by people who want exemptions from doing the Stages exams on the grounds that they 'can't ride strange horses', 'don't want to jump', 'don't have the money to pay for the fees', 'don't want to pay for the training', blah blah.
Now, I don't have anything against those many excellent instructors out there who are experts in their disciplines, such as eventing, dressage, SJ: they have proved that they can compete to a certain, professional level, and make a business of it.
It is more the people who want to charge others for the benefit of their experience, and knowledge, but they can't ride, don't want to pay for insurance, don't have a First Aid qualification - those people should be squelched under a rhino's bottom.
Thank you, I feel better now.