Well-Known Member
Ok, I guess in the great scheme of things its not a massive decision, but quite an important one. At the moment I keep my horse at a yard on working livery. People were really friendly at first and helpful too, but more recently things have been a bit different. Horse is happy and settled now. We do shows together and lots of the usual things like hacking lunging etc. I've overheard lots of people saying nasty things and everyone seems to criiticise me all the time saying I'm a rubbish rider and that the horse is wasted one me. It made me really upset, my horse is quite happy so I don't understand what they mean. I'm starting a course in Equine Studies at Bicton College, and they are offering me a place for my horse. I don't know whether to move her and settle her all over again (it took a while the first time) or to just leave her where she is. If she went to Bicton she'd have her own stable, space but apparently there is limited turnout. Where she is now there is lovely turnout but no stabling. hmm.. I'm worried she might get bored in the stable but just not sure. The downside where she is now is some novices ride her but the riders at Bicton might be more knowledgeable. She has had a back problem, and just want her to be happy. I just feel people are always trying to throw advice at me too on my yard, and asking why I do things all the time. I just like to look after my own horse in peace really. She'd be on working livery at Bicton too, and its a bit further away. Sorry for long post, weighing up pros and cons - wondered what you all think