big pushy horse


Well-Known Member
11 March 2005
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j is 17.2hh & likes to use his sizes [middleweight hunter] to move you out the way/squash you.

its due to lack of handling & a year off in the field.

any good ways to teach him manners?


Well-Known Member
20 December 2005
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My mare used to be very difficult to shoe, so we had to get a special farrier out to shoe her. He placed a chain around her nose where the front of the headcollar goes and attached a leadrope to the end of it. Whenever she decided to take him for a walk the chain would put pressure around her nose on a pressure point, and she would stop. The more she pulled the worse it got, and she soon learnt to stay still and wait until shes told to do something. It may help if he charges off with you alot, and it will teach him to respect you more


Well-Known Member
31 July 2005
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Just be firm, mine was the same when I got him but after 2 years he has much improved. You have to have a zero tolerance regime otherwise they just keep pushing and pushing until they do something stupid.

If he's rude in a headcollar when you lead him use a bridle or chiffney for a bit until he realises you are the boss.

They do get better


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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One of those thin string controller halters are excellent. Couldnt live without mine on my bargy Welshie! He used to walk straight through me so I carried a whip with me which I used the other end of and pushed it into his chest if he started to walk into me! Seemed to work quite well but you do have to be pretty firm. I also taught my boy some basic clicker training to teach him to move "back" and "away" (sideways etc. just anywhere away from me!). Worked very well, he even stopped barging his way out of the stable doors!


Well-Known Member
22 June 2004
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Spring was exactly like this! She is a big girl and would just swing her bottom round and knock you over with it! She never squashed me but had no concept of my personal space. So we did "manners" training everyday, this consists of:

-Backing up and moving over when I ask (the Be Nice halter I have just bought is excellent for this), a quick poke in the ribs or chest soon reminds her what to do

-Stopping when I stop moving when I move. She was corected firmly (but no hitting/shouting) and moved back to where I wanted her and then praised. She learnt very quickly what I wanted

-Backing up as I walk into the stable, again she got a firm poke in the chest if she didn't respond

-When she invades my personal space or is bargey, I fling my hands up (never hit her) and move her out of my space by assertive body language and a poke if needed. As soon as she has backed away and is respectful, I let her come back to me gently and then she gets a fuss.

She is pretty good to handle now, we still have regular "manners" sessions, but she is more conscious of where I am and is less in my face. I have found that consistency is the key, I never let Spring get away with a single step out of line as she will then push the boundaries everyday. The Be-Nice halter was certainly a sound investment for my horse!
Good luck.