Bit avoidance/evasion


Well-Known Member
4 April 2015
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I’ve recently started riding a big ISH. He is not mine but I’m trying to help him out a little bit so don’t want to be spending tons of money...

He has always been know for bit evasion - he’s been left in a single jointed eggbutt snaffle, in which his tongue sticks out to the right when there is more pressure on the reins. He is fine on the way out on hacks but gets strong on the way home which is when these behaviours happen.

I have tried him in a french link snaffle today and the tongue stayed in, but he was crossing his jaw.

I’m pretty sure this is him avoiding some kind of tension so don’t want to just strap his mouth shut with a noseband.

Before I call out any bitting specialists or get the dentist out I wondered if anyone had experienced anything similar and found any solutions? I think when the dentist previously saw him they said he had quite a big tongue.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2019
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I’d get the dentist first... then
I have said this sooo many times i need commission from bomber ?

my ISH is a thug.
He hates anything with a joint in, he will try every evasion going and he’s clearly stressed.

the bomber happy tongue snaffle has been an absolute game changer for us. we school in that and use a bomber Pelham for fast hacking/jumping. ISH tend to have a fat tongue and a low palate