Bit of a breakthrough.... I hope

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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So Amber came back from the trainer wired and wild where jumps and poles were concerned, which wasn’t exactly my hoped for outcome ….. the basic conclusion was that she is not suited to an amateur and should either be competed by a pro to add some value before selling on as a more established horse competing at a higher level, or kept permanently on schooling livery on a pro’s yard to be ‘kept sweet’ so all the education that was put into her over the 8 weeks didn’t just unravel again.

That triggered a couple of days of sobbing, soul searching and a roaring return of my ‘I am not good enough for this horse’ confidence crises. But I have known for years that I am totally outclassed by her and have made my peace with that. She’d obviously do much better in a more experienced home and I’d probably do rather better with a more experienced horse. But the bottom line is I adore her. She’s my partner and my pal. So I’m certainly not selling her. And I have horses in my life to have horses in my life. My every day life. Not just for weekends and holidays so having her on full schooling livery would not suit me either.

So she’s going nowwhere. And I am going back to the drawing board to try and find a way forward for us both.

The C word has obviously thrown all plans into chaos but thank God for horses because I can still see her and still ride. We are on a small yard with limited turnout and she is absolutely not the kind of horse who can be left for days on end. So we are still riding, though flatwork only. To fill the clinic, camp and lesson vacuum I have downloaded Noelle Floyd’s Equine Masterclasses and resurrected Nicola Smith’s Dressage Rider Training online programme. So each day sees rider workouts in the front room and Rideability 101 in the arena or the farm fields.

And if I do have to be confined to barracks well now is a good time, because I need to find a way (again) to ride. I can’t dominate her. I can’t boss her. I have to find another way at the same time as recognising that I DO need to be able to direct her. I personally react better at work when I understand what I have to do and am guided politely towards doing it than I would be if people just shouted at me or pressured me. I think Amber is the same. Plus, the fact is I am simply not a good enough rider to dominate her. I can’t cope with her tantrums and I can’t hold her if she wants to go. So I have decided to keep trying to use my brain to influence hers. Mainly because my brain is better than my unskilled, wobbly body and Amber’s brain is more amenable to my control than her wayward, forward body!

And step one of ‘brain training’ is to go back to basics and make things very simple and obvious and then add complexity 1 small step at a time. So I have spent a few weeks going right back to Rideability 101 trying to re-embed her obedience chip. Endless poles in walk and trot till she stopped rushing and could pop through raised poles, on a bend and on the buckle without changing rhythm. This week I have been able to extend and collect the canter in a big open field with slight shift in weight and half halts. I can halt -canter- halt. I can canter 5 strides, trot 5 strides, canter 5 strides. So surely we were ready for canter poles?

Amber’s default position to anything in life that she is either keen on or unsure of is to launch herself at it with total commitment. Either in a YIPPEE – LET’S GO way or sometimes in an ‘EEEEEK – CLOSE EYES, ENGAGE TAKE OFF GEAR, LAUNCH’ kind of way. The latter is what sees her taking out strides and jumping 3 times the height she needs to. (Which was fun (not) when we were first learning to jump into water!!)

We have done countless hours over the past 3 years getting her comfortable and confident around poles so that even though I still have Amberish Yeehaa moments, we have not had anxiety driven launch moments for a long time. Until I tried to pop her over a X-pole just before she came home and she grabbed the bit and accelerated. Again and again. Sigh. Since getting home I have discovered that she launches at trotting poles too, never mind canter poles.

But with my weeks of rideability 101 work in the bag I felt ready to try again. So today I put out 2 poles 72 feet or 8 strides apart. Popped up to canter on a small circle from walk then approached pole one. WHOOSH she took off. She did the ‘8’ strides in 6 and that was trying to collect! The words of various trainers ran through my head – move the bit, body back, half halt, make her listen, she needs to wait. Tried all that. 6 strides. Circled before to get a good rhythm and then tried to lock that rhythm in– but she launched the instant she saw the first pole until she was over the 2nd. So I came to halt, and sat in defeat staring at her beautiful neck and thought WHY? If I can collect and extend when the poles are not there, then why won’t she do it when they are. Why do the poles make so much difference?

I decided it’s not an obedience or communication thing. She undertands the aids to collect and listens to them. But learning is situational. Horses don’t generalise very well so for whatever reason she thinks poles = acceleration and speed. So was it a fear thing? Well no because she could happily walk over, trot over and stand astride the poles. But maybe it started as a fear thing and has become a learned behaviour? Basically a habit that she now thinks is the ‘right way’ to canter over poles or approach jumps.

Who knows how horses process stuff or how she could believe that despite me hauling on her reins she is supposed to be tanking through the poles like a loon. But I swear the more I tried to slow her down the more annoyed she got with me. She was more or less shouting ‘what! I’m doing exactly what I am supposed to do. What’s your problem’.

So how to tell her that I did not want that? That I wanted her to be calm, slow and responsive? I decided to walk over the first pole and halt. Then trot and halt. Then canter and halt. Repeat 3 times and on time 4 I just allowed the canter to continue. 4,5,6,7, 8!! Hurrah – lovely, calm, pingy canter. 8 rhythmic 12 foot strides. And no arguing. Repeated the canter – halt a couple of times so she was never sure if she was carrying on or not. Pinged through one more time and ended there with a huge grin and a tearful cuddle. (Yes I’m pathetic.)

Such a small achievement. But in the context of our 3 year struggle I feel like it’s HUGE!
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Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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i started to read with dread that you were going to let her go. so pleased you are keeping her, all horses are a challenge and mares are often quite sensitive, i think you are doing really well and suggest you take no notice of people who tell you she should go to a pro. as long as she is happy and you are enjoying her that is what counts..getting to her brain is the way to go...


Well-Known Member
11 August 2005
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Good for you. It doesn’t sound like she suits a professional like that at all and if you take your time, as you’re now doing, you’ll blossom as a partnership.
You might take two steps forward and one back at times but taking the pressure off competing now can only be good for you and it sounds like you’re making progress.
I look forward to more progress reports. Especially as I can’t ride at the moment !


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Sounds good, really pleased for you as you sounded so down after she came back.
I used to have a fiery little mare that I showjumped, who Amber sounds very similar to. Her go to when she was either feeling lively and bold, or when she was nervous was to go faaaaast. I spent a lot of time coming back to halt between fences and lots of repetitive popping fences slowly, which would get her back on side again. But I did used to have to return to that training routine quite regularly - counting strides in between fences, poles and transitions became quite therapeutic for both of us. She was a brilliant horse ?.

Don't really know why I'm rambling on except to say, don't be disheartened if you have to keep going back to the repetitive stuff as you progress with her. Having a known routine to return to makes all the difference

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Dabdab that sounds really good. Therapeutic polework would be a very nice change from turbo charged polework! Thinking about it, I have been taught to halt after jumps or poles before. But it has had the feel of 'will you just WAIT' and so has been another source of tension/disharmony. Whereas this had the feel of calmly trying to help her understand what I wanted. Which seemed to make the difference.

Maybe I have been too quick to assume she knows what I want and is choosing to take over. When maybe actually she needs me to slow down, break things down a bit more and be more patient.


Well-Known Member
11 August 2005
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the exercise I did recently with my trainer would help I think And I found quite fun. My horse doesn’t rush but doesn’t listen to me after the fence and this exercise tried to make him think. I’ll try to explain If possible.
we had a fence down each long side. If you are going on say the left rein, I would pop the jump or pole on the ground, then after halt before the corner and instead of turning left would turn a small circle to the right and so on. It makes the horse listen as they are uncertain which way they are going afterward. Hope that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
11 May 2015
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You're not pathetic - you're amazing. You are finding a way to get into the head of an opionated mare and that takes some doing. Any idiot with riding strength can press-gang a horse into doing what they want but getting the horse to truly understand and work with you - that is special.
There will be some good things coming out of this lock-down situation - your having the time to take things slowly and think it through rather than listen to some "expert" shouting at you sounds as if it is going to be one of them!!

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Thanks everyone. I agree that lockdown has given me precious breathing space to slowly regain some trust in each other. I was dreading the lack of lessons but even though I like my RI, lessons also move along quite fast and instructors see solutions so quickly and just tell you what to do. Figuring things out for myself is probably good for me and our partnership even if my conclusions are really obvious to someone more experienced.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2011
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Well done, I (probably daftly and over sentimentally, because horses are a hobby and fun for me to distract from much more serious stuff) think you two belong together. I really want you to continue to succeed and am sure you can. I am sorry the training spell away didn't work out but am not altogether surprised. That exercise you found worked is one that have done with both Blyth Tait and Geoff Billington and was only considered to be done well by them when all was done calmly, consistently and rhythmically for poles and fences. It's a really useful tool to have in the box. Also they did make it q challening in terms of how close to fences /poles you stopped and restarted. It was the stoppping in front rather than after which was the key difference to what I had done before, although it was also done after a fence /pole because was doing several at the time. Geoff also provided two parallel poles you had to stop within from canter and restart in order to test straightness - this was good to use with Phoenix as a nutty 6yo that tended to go wonky when adjusted her pace /collection. I've found that it helps provide a button you can use for a half halt during a SJ round when they get a bit onward bound (e.g. after a treble and before the next line which might include verticals on related distance).

Agree totally about finding something that you both find safe and familiar to enable reset and just take whatever time is required (always!!!). Also you do have to believe in yourself as there will always be plenty of people who criticise and think they can do better (even more with horses than in general life!). Perhaps they could but that is not the point and is not great or helpful coming from someone supposedly acting as a trainer /advisor - they should faciliate your improvement and help you to help yourself! You will continue improving, we never stop in anything in life as long as we want to, try to and are prepared to work. Enjoy the journey :). Reads like generic, feelgood platitudes, I know, but it does work and am sure you know this already from other areas of your life.

Keep on keeping on - you do not come across (ever) as overconfident or complacent (the opposite), so trust that you can do this and keep the feedback and feedforward loops set on high.
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Well-Known Member
22 March 2007
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AE lovely to hear a positive post following a disappointing period. I have enjoyed reading about your journey and do feel that there is lots left to come.
It is disappointing that Amber came back as she did. When I first got my chestnut mare (in my sig) my yard owner rode her for a week to de-tune her. At the time I wasn’t really sure what she meant but professional riders often want their horses to be sharp and some also try to dominate them. At the time I needed a horse to be more willing to accept my mistakes. I think you are doing a great job, as you say you don’t want to dominate her as that won’t work but she does need to understand what you want. By the way my mare could also take things on, I remember a 1-2-1 session with Clayton Fredricks where he put out 6 ( I think) trotting poles to a jump, the first time I came to it she just jumped the whole lot!


Well-Known Member
12 August 2016
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OMG this sounds so so like the struggle I had still have with my gelding. Right down to the poles thing and the rushing everytime he saw one. Me holding on for dear life, him getting p*ssed and going fast sideways to just get over them because I was giving mixed signals. He has talent and breeding to burn and I'm a pathetic rider!

Take it from me, who has had the same tears, the same OMG I am overhorsed and I can't do this moments time and again with him, and still adore him to pieces and can't get rid of him either, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

I did it, and I am in no way anywhere near a half decent rider. People used to tell me I would never do it and I'm totally incabable. but I did!

One thing someone told me is "it doesn't get easier, but it does get better".

Roll on 4 years and he and have clicked and have what I call and "agreement" I ask him to do things and he responds and wants to please. But it took me so long to learn how to ask him in a way he could understand.

I'm positive you will get to the same point, and you've already had a massive breakthrough, so keep going. It is a huge achievement, and there will be millions more..


Well-Known Member
25 May 2010
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I love your attitude to Amber. You do way more with her than I have done with any of mine, but like mine are to me, she is family. I like clever, sharp, athletic horses but I am an old, creaky hobby rider who spends too much time sitting in front of a computer working to ever be good enough to get the most out of them. I don't care, They won't be going anywhere, ever. And I am trying to breed the next generation, for when I retire. You will get there with Amber because you are more invested in her than any pro rider would be.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2008
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Brilliant well done!

My mare can also think she knows best and has a tendency to rush when she sees poles, she has been known to canter cleanly through a row of half stride trot poles rather than just bloody wait. I was reading about your exercise and thinking put a halt/transition in after the pole, so I am glad it worked.

My instructor has some really good ideas for know it all horses as he has one of his own. We do a lot of pole work in lessons and try to have exercises set up so we can put in a transition or a circle or change the exercise frequently.

One we did recently, we had poles set down the long side on a shallow loop, 3 poles at the beginning of the loop, 3 in the middle and 3 at the end. But we also had 3 poles on the opposite three quarter line level with B/E. So we could trot the entire loop, or put a transition in before any set of 3 poles, put a circle in before or after the loop or after the second set of 3 poles circle away over the set of poles on the other side of the school. It worked brilliantly.

I really need to practice more of this type of thing alone but I don't have anyone to help with poles. Sounds as though you have the determination I need!


Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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In many ways I have always thought Amber sounds like my pssm mare was after a few years of having sharers.

She had always had this thing where she liked you to let go on the way into the jump - the more you held the faster she went. You could always get a lovely bouncy canter between the jumps, then you had to let go completely about three strides out and she did the rest. On landing, she was happy to let you set her up again. Like that, we jumped successfully and in control for years.

Then I stopped riding her as I had my children. I kept an eye on the sharers so complete disaster did not ensue, but in that time her management wasn’t perfect and her pssm worsened, along with her confidence in her rider. When I got her back for myself, it took a whole winter, starting with poles, to stop the rushing. She was panicking - I needed to show her she could do this slowly without anything going wrong. By the spring we could trot safely round a course of jumps and then eventually canter round in control. With her it was about trust in her rider (their competence) and in herself.