Bit of a strange one... but please bear with me...!


Well-Known Member
8 December 2011
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Do any of you have implants and how do they effect your riding? and most importantly do the point2 air jackets/ body protectors make you sore when they explode?

feel free to pm me if you would prefer not to air your plastic surgery tales in such a public manner!!!

I think, if you are looking for an extra size or so to go up to a C cup or similar then you shouldn't have any major dramas of misbehaving boobies whilst riding... :)

I'm a size 12/14 except for the HH 'extras' and they are hard work with a mind of their own... Pain, discomfort and an expensive nightmare to clothe nicely... I have tried some body protectors (I'm a wuss so really want one) but there's not a cats hope in hell of shovelling them into anything that's shaped to fit correctly elsewhere... Trotting - ha ha, we won't even go there... :eek:

I've known a few very small busted ladies who've had augmentation and most appear really pleased with the results... Two who aren't but I think they were mistaken in expecting bigger boobs would be an 'answer' rather than an enhancement... So I guess it would depend on why you wanted one and whether you had realistic expectations of how you'd feel afterwards... :)


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15 November 2010
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I wish I had smaller boobs! I'm 21, size 8-10 and take a D cup. I get back ache alot and they get in the way. Iv'e just had to sell my BP as I cant do it up anymore. For christmas, my friend got me a lovely shirt, that I could wear to work. It was so lovely, the only problem was, it kept popping open over my boobs, fitted everywhere else though. I took it back to the shop and swapped it for a size 12. It did do up, but was huugely baggy everywhere else :( so I ended up taking that back too. Was gutted, as it really was lovely.

I also can only wear fitted tops. Baggy tops make me look fat as they come out, over my boobs then just hang down. Doesn't give me any shape at all :(.

Tinsel Trouble

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16 October 2009
Grantham (please don't judge me! originally from S
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I wish I had smaller boobs! I'm 21, size 8-10 and take a D cup. ... I also can only wear fitted tops. Baggy tops make me look fat as they come out, over my boobs then just hang down. Doesn't give me any shape at all :(.

This is me exactly, my body is a size 8-10, my boobs are a D cup, but I don't get the back ache from my boobs- I get the back ache because my shoulders are a size 12 and are completely out of proportion to the rest of me! Wearing body protectors that fit over my shoulders and hang lose are easy to ride in but offer no protection, so I am faced with BPs that squeeze my shoulders and upper chest to the point my back muscles have become fibrose and I have curvature of some shoulder muscles, but it fits round my rib cage and protects kidneys and stomache areas correctly, or a P2 which is lose and I can move in it until it is required!

The real issue is I can't wear alot of feminine clothing i simply because can't fit into it or fill it out correctly!! I look like an upside down toblerone/ in Drag in most things!!

I understand that implants don't jiggle around like natural boobs if they're inserted under the muscle but I am interested in knowing what effect the point2 air jackets could have!

Also the OH is properly grilling me on reasoning and doing all the medical scare stories about the effects of silicon in the body so I am being briefed on that side of things- and he had mentioned the time limits. From what I understand the gaurantees last for 10 years from the surgeons, but they can last upto 30 before needing to be changed. normally they need to be changed due to changes in body shape so they remain looking pert but also natural, rather than due to inherent faults in their design.

I would really like to know if the P2s hurt when they explode on implants...!!


Well-Known Member
23 July 2011
east scotland
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I wish I had smaller boobs! I'm 21, size 8-10 and take a D cup. I get back ache alot and they get in the way. Iv'e just had to sell my BP as I cant do it up anymore. :(.

Snap!! I have 2 body protectors that im about to sell. The smaller one I cant even get the velcro straps together, the second one I bought is for large adult, it fits me round the chest but its to big round the shoulder and too long in the back and is very uncomfortable to ride in. I wish someone would make a body protector for women in proper sizes.


Well-Known Member
8 July 2011
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This is me exactly, my body is a size 8-10, my boobs are a D cup, but I don't get the back ache from my boobs- I get the back ache because my shoulders are a size 12 and are completely out of proportion to the rest of me! Wearing body protectors that fit over my shoulders and hang lose are easy to ride in but offer no protection, so I am faced with BPs that squeeze my shoulders and upper chest to the point my back muscles have become fibrose and I have curvature of some shoulder muscles, but it fits round my rib cage and protects kidneys and stomache areas correctly, or a P2 which is lose and I can move in it until it is required!

The real issue is I can't wear alot of feminine clothing i simply because can't fit into it or fill it out correctly!! I look like an upside down toblerone/ in Drag in most things!!

I understand that implants don't jiggle around like natural boobs if they're inserted under the muscle but I am interested in knowing what effect the point2 air jackets could have!

Also the OH is properly grilling me on reasoning and doing all the medical scare stories about the effects of silicon in the body so I am being briefed on that side of things- and he had mentioned the time limits. From what I understand the gaurantees last for 10 years from the surgeons, but they can last upto 30 before needing to be changed. normally they need to be changed due to changes in body shape so they remain looking pert but also natural, rather than due to inherent faults in their design.

I would really like to know if the P2s hurt when they explode on implants...!!

i hate to be rude, but if your boobs are a d cup, then your shoulders are in proportion to your boobs anyway.

I think you're probably worrying about nothing and you have your body image all out of proportion.

I think it is part and parcel of having horses to have larger than normal shoulders and arms, it comes with the territory. :)


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25 November 2007
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I read the thread thinking you should go for it if you have the money/aware of the medical stuff etc. Then I got to the bit where you are a D cup.........

Do you really want to go up 2 cup sizes to an E/F cup? If you think it's hard getting clothes to fit now, you've seen nothing yet ;)

I'm in the big boob club btw and another who would have them smaller if I could. You should have seen the size of them when I was bf'ing my babies, M&S didn't have a maternity bra big enough :D

As for the P2, I would imagine you'll have to ask a surgeon. I wouldn't think there is anyone on here qualified to give advice as to whether an air jacket going off will affect breast implants.


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12 November 2010
South Coast
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You wouldn't want implants if you had seen my friend six months ago - one of her implants had burst/leaked causing a major infection requiring hospitalisation and removal of implant (breast swollen to twice it's normal size) - she had to beg the surgeon to take the other one out too otherwise she would have been lopsided (he was under no obligation to do so as the other one was ok (was NHS although original surgery was private)). She also has long term health issues (ME type illness) which she now thinks may have been caused by the implant leaking over time. Think very carefully before having surgery for vanity reasons.


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8 December 2011
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This is me exactly, my body is a size 8-10, my boobs are a D cup, but I don't get the back ache from my boobs- I get the back ache because my shoulders are a size 12 and are completely out of proportion to the rest of me!

Errr... I got the (wrong) idea that you were small busted and wanted to fill out a little more...

I've got a size 10 waist, 12 hips and 14+ on top because of the boobs... It doesn't sound like your current chest size is out of proportion to your shoulders but they can be pretty 'in your face' if they're large and out of proportion to the rest of your body... I'm a bit confused...

As for implant reactions - I think you'll need a surgeon or manufacturer to give an accurate psi tolerance and compare it with info on the air inflatable jacket... Breast tissue can hurt like holy hell if it's thumped too hard so I would guess some consideration has gone into dispersion of the inflation pressure...

Just an aside but what about the Racesafe brand? They're one I'm thinking about as they have a made to measure service for about fifteen quid extra...

Tinsel Trouble

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16 October 2009
Grantham (please don't judge me! originally from S
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I tried on the racesafe p2 jacket at burghley and got blown up in it- i was surprised at how comfortable it was and how much I could move in it! I am going to have to quiz the OH when I get back!

Thanks for all your help guys! In answer to the current thread- I am very broad so it does look out of proportion- If I could train my ribs, muscles, lungs, heart... to be a nice round shape then the issue wouldn't have arisen!! All my family are H cups + and I am the little one... I can see how it does look on my body shape, it's just a case of getting there!!

Bit scared about the silicon poisoning- that's what the OH goes on about! inflammatory reactions. Apparently they didn't have that problem when the implants were filled with saline, but the implant's weren't as tough then!!


Well-Known Member
23 November 2011
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Did you seriously describe D cups as beestings?!

To be totally frank I think you are suffering from body dismorphia and would be better to see a psychiatrist to address the issue.

A cups


just so you can see the difference next time you look in the mirror!


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25 August 2009
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I am not sure if this is the best forum for this, but in light of the recent debacle on faulty breast implants (...) and my own investigations into this- what are the risks of bursting your new boobs whilst riding.

I have been considering implants for a while (to go from little gnat bits to something in proportion to my very broad shoulders... OH is a doctor and has gone through the medical side of things and outlined the risks and options, and quizzed me on the "psychological reasoning" behind it too....).

Do any of you have implants and how do they effect your riding? and most importantly do the point2 air jackets/ body protectors make you sore when they explode?

feel free to pm me if you would prefer not to air your plastic surgery tales in such a public manner!!!

I raise my hands............................................................................... I have implants :)

Do they affect me riding? NO, Do they get in my way? NO, Do i regret having them? NO!

I am also very aware of the current debarcle on the PIP implants & am watching closely.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, i dont bite :D


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5 September 2008
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I don't have implants but have to say if you're going to, don't go too big. My 36FFs caused me no end of pain a few years ago when bra strap snapped out on a 3 hour ride with several other friends! It was absolute agony, if I could swap to nothing so I never had to wear a bra again I would! Added to the pain was the amusement my friends felt whilst watching me bounce unrestrained all the way home at a spanking trot because it started to rain! Not fun!


Well-Known Member
8 December 2011
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Thanks for all your help guys! In answer to the current thread- I am very broad so it does look out of proportion- If I could train my ribs, muscles, lungs, heart... to be a nice round shape then the issue wouldn't have arisen!! All my family are H cups + and I am the little one... I can see how it does look on my body shape, it's just a case of getting there!!

I'm a 34 HH and I would seriously, SERIOUSLY, crank them back in size if the reduction surgery wasn't so much more complicated and scary than augmentation... A D cup isn't small by any stretch of the imagination...

Having two melons parked on the front of your chest has zero relevance really to the width of the shoulders above and at a totally different angle... I honestly don't see the relationship... Shoulders to hip, yes - but shoulders to boobs escapes me... :confused:

If having bigger boobs will align you a little more with the other women in your family then that's a different way of looking at it... So long as you have a good surgeon it's a fairly routine surgery these days... :)

PS...good to know the Racesafe is comfy...

Kellys Heroes

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13 May 2010
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I was thinking all the way through this thread, hmm, you obviously understand etc but then I got to the part where you said you were a D....:eek: I was a D cup, have put some more weight on and am now an E and I find them difficult to control when riding!
I can't find a decent sports bra, which means trotting whilst its not painful for me, its a little offputting!!! Body protectors are uncomfortable though as I tend to get 'squashed'.
When I lose weight, if I lose them too, I won't be toooooo upset!
K x