Well-Known Member
Had my horse a long time, hes always not been hugely happy with contact but we've been working on it. He is in a neue schule verbinend which I think he backs off from and it takes him a long time to go forward into it. I've tried lots of jointed bits but never a straight bar, a post on here got me thinking maybe I'd try one so I did and he went lovely walk and trot working across back, taking contact forward, I struggled to get canter in the school but got it on a hack and it was great, very forward! I went for my lesson today thinking maybe just maybe we'd cracked it ..
Again w & t fantastic, went into canter - tongue over the bit
. So my question is any suggestions for something stable for confidence to take forward but something he cant get tongue over?? Tried hanging cheek no good
. I have been trying for months to get a bit fitter out but no success yet. He's 18 and is in a plain cavesson. Thanks in advance for any suggestions ?
Again w & t fantastic, went into canter - tongue over the bit