Bit worried about my horse.


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3 April 2008
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This is the one who was arthriticy and lame a few weeks ago, and I was doing the calling it a day thing. Since then he’s been totally his normal self. Playing, hooning round with the others and sound.
Tonight, he’s being really bizarre. He’s come in and eaten his dinner, but is scared of me, the doorway and his haynet.
He comes in and tucks straight in every night. Today he’s not touching it, keeps going to but suddenly backing off. I can touch him but really he’d rather not, he seemed “scared” to put his head over the door. (Normally bottom lip swinging)
he’s stood bolt upright listening, ears all over the place and just really odd. (Hunt in the distance type pony!)
Ive not been here all day but as far as I know nothings happened.
I’ve left his light on so I can see him from the house for a few hours but he seems much the same.
Such a strange little horse at times (I don’t like him acting scared of me either ?)
7 May 2020
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Could it be that something has just really unsettled him today? Are any of the other horses jumpy? Mine used to be a bit jumpy at times at our previous place if next door's dog was rummaging around the adjoining fenceline (thick brambles on neighbours size so they couldnt really see what was in the fenceline), ,


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3 April 2008
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I’m sure it is something like that, absolutely no idea what though. Nothings been going on on the farm. The others joined him in a bit of shrieking at one point but it was short lived and they are happily munching.


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3 April 2008
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We do have electric lighting yes, he was scared of the net before I hung it and hadn’t touched it or anything else. This weirdness started the minute he finished his bucket food.
I wouldn’t imagine anything like that happened close enough and he did sadly have to see my other horse pts in the summer.
Ive just been back out and he’s still snorting and stressy but better. He put his head over the door for a carrot and I emptied the hay onto the floor and hand fed it to him ? we progressed closer to the pile and he’s now gingerly picking at it.
I’ll go check again later. I didn’t check his heart rate no, can do that when I go back out but feeling happier he’s now eating a little bit.
I may almost put a Q on the local Fb to ask if anything’s happened in the village today, or is that too far ?
7 May 2020
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I’m sure it is something like that, absolutely no idea what though. Nothings been going on on the farm. The others joined him in a bit of shrieking at one point but it was short lived and they are happily munching.

I wonder what it was that they heard, maybe another horse in the distance in some sort of distressed state? It’s amazing how much they really can hear, sense, be affected at times.

Ive only just recalled ours were on their toes the other day and I dashed into the field thinking worried thoughts (Wolves are usually the first thing that pops into my head after a sighting was reported (some times ago!) in the local vicinity, in daylight.

The only thing I could see was a very large bird of prey nearby (an eagle of some sorts).


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16 September 2012
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It could be something he has heard in the distance as other posters have said. My mare can be very stressy if she hears the hunt nearby. It might be worth taking him for a walk round the yard to settle him or giving him another hay net in a different part of his stable.


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7 July 2005
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I do think theres something in the air atm, our horses are definitely more spooky and fresh but my mare is very sensitive to noise and will stress and box walk. Its worse if its coming from behind. A couple of days before bonfire night she was really stressy, strangely she isnt bothered by fireworks but I had seen a wagon drive past with scaffolding on it going to the next farm about 300m further down the lane. I sat at the stables for a while and once the wagon drove back up minus the scaffolding, she settled within minutes. The same thing happened the week after when they went to pick it up. The noise of the bars clanging must have upset her, the other horses werent bothered at all.
Hope your boy is settled soon, its awful when they are stressy.