Biting whilst bridling


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14 April 2024
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Hi everyone 👋

I just wanted to sound something out, see if anyone has had a similar experience.

I've had my mare 6 months but due to various reasons (mainly the pointless UK winter 😅) she's only been back in light work for 2-3 months. Just short hacks or inhand walks. Taking it as a good opportunity to get to know each other and build a bond. She's rising 7 and been in ridden work before.

She's started trying to bite when I put her bridle or head collar on. Obviously she's trying to tell me something not right, so I'm going down the usually avenues (dentist booked, her saddle has recently been fitted, booking bit consultation etc). She only gets given treats after a ride/during training, but it feels more like a warning bite than a treat nagging. To be clear I'm not trying to fix the biting, she's a smart mare and I know she's trying to tell me something, I want to get to the bottom of the cause. Once riding she doesn't show any other obvious signs of pain and is a very well mannered and chilled mare. When I first got her she had lice, mites and mud fever so poor girl has been prodded alot since arriving!

However whilst I wait for these appointments to come around I was just curious if anyone has had any similar behaviour and if so what was the cause of it? I've been reading about ulcers but I'm not sure she has any of the suggested symptoms. She always has access to food (but is a cob so it's spread over 50 thousand small nets, treble netted... the usual 😂😂).

Obviously if everything gets signed off then the vet will be called out to investigate further. Thank you, also I'm new to the forum so wanted to say hi 👋


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14 April 2024
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Yeah, that's my first thought too. She had a check & rasp about 4 months ago, dentist isn't coming for a few weeks - be great to get it nailed on the first try 😅


Well-Known Member
9 October 2014
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Is there anything around her ears or her poll that might be hurting; such as a fly bite, or aural plaques? Do the bridle and the headcollar fit correctly? Have you accidentally socked her in the mouth with the bit? Or is she possibly testing boundaries?


New User
14 April 2024
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Is there anything around her ears or her poll that might be hurting; such as a fly bite, or aural plaques? Do the bridle and the headcollar fit correctly? Have you accidentally socked her in the mouth with the bit? Or is she possibly testing boundaries?
All good points, thank you. I'll give her poll a check over. Bridle fit I'm getting someone out to double check, same with the bit. I tend to ride pretty loose rein but you never know, we've not had any incidents.
I don't think she is testing me as I've never let her get away with it (although she's now making me wonder if I should be riding her until I figure it out...). I also wonder how much is learned behaviour from any past pain/bad experiences. 🤷


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16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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OK so you're geared up to do checks. I'd check everything: i.e. teeth, back/physio; bridle/bit, and saddle.

Agree that something somewhere isn't as it should be and you are right to be concerned.

The other thing it could be is rough handling in the past which she's associating with being put into a headcollar and/or bridle. Sometimes behaviour like this might indicate if they've been ear-twitched for example. Or perhaps over-enthusiastic use of a Chifney.........

Hope you can sort this. X
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Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Welcome to the forum Tazzy. You have a lovely attitude to addressing this behaviour.

Does anyone else but you handle her?


23 September 2023
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My mare started trying to bite me when putting her bridle after our previous yard manager had tightened her nose band considerably one day. It took over a week of very gentle handling and showing her I wasn’t going to tighten it by running a finger around it once done up and she thankfully forgave me for letting someone make her feel uncomfortable. I agree she’s trying to tell you something, fingers crossed you can find out what it is


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24 October 2009
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Inflamed aural plaques? The fact that she does it when you are putting the headcollar on might mean she is uncomfortable having ears touched.