Bitten by YO’s dog


Well-Known Member
22 June 2018
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Yesterday afternoon I arrived at the yard to get my horse in as he was due a routine vet visit.
YO has a dog which I have seen before at the yard, a busy yard with more than 20 liveries, but today it was running loose. As I walked to the gate it ran up barking and since the owner didn’t seem concerned, I opened the gate, only to be bitten, not just a nip, twice. I now have huge bruises and teeth marks.
Her reaction was shocking. “Doing its job” and perhaps you should meet it? No thank you.
Today she has made absolutely no reference to it and literally seems to have brushed it under the carpet. The dog has rubbish recall and I dread to think what would have happened had it been a child. It’s clearly unreliable and badly trained. So, WWYD? I’m really annoyed there’s been no communication from her about this. Plus I’m obviously badly bruised. It’s a decent sized dog, not huge.


Mildred's Maid
21 October 2021
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First thing i would do is take photos of your bruises in case you need evidence later whatever you decide to do.
Ask her what is she going to do to prevent this happening again to anyone (if you want to give her the benefit) the onus should be on her. If you are not satisfied, report to police/dog warden. (while looking for another yard)

Mrs. Jingle

Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
Deep in Bandit Country
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I would be yard hunting as quickly as you can. I do agree that it should definitely reported but if she is so dismissive of your injuries from the attack how will she react if your horse is still on site?

Tread carefully but even a short term escape route would be a good idea whilst looking for a permanent yard.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2018
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First thing i would do is take photos of your bruises in case you need evidence later whatever you decide to do.
Ask her what is she going to do to prevent this happening again to anyone (if you want to give her the benefit) the onus should be on her. If you are not satisfied, report to police/dog warden. (while looking for another yard)
Photos already done. I think maybe a written discussion? Yes, started looking. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2018
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If a dog has attacked or bitten a person it should be reported to the Police immediately by calling 101 or reporting it on the Police website. If someone is in immediate danger, call the Police on 999.

Take photos of your injuries.
Thank you. Yes, done this morning. Should I let her know my actions? Or find somewhere first? If I report, which I’m happy to do, won’t she make staying at all, even briefly, impossible? God what a mess!


Well-Known Member
13 July 2020
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Absolutely shocking. I’d be besides myself if my dog bit someone 😞


A normal response would be to be EXTREMELY apologetic. To let the person know what steps you are going to take to make sure it absolutely NEVER happens again. There would probably be a box of chocolates and bottle of plonk in the mix, too.


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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A normal response would be to be EXTREMELY apologetic. To let the person know what steps you are going to take to make sure it absolutely NEVER happens again. There would probably be a box of chocolates and bottle of plonk in the mix, too.
God yes and the rest, the dog would never be off the lead again


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Yesterday afternoon I arrived at the yard to get my horse in as he was due a routine vet visit.
YO has a dog which I have seen before at the yard, a busy yard with more than 20 liveries, but today it was running loose. As I walked to the gate it ran up barking and since the owner didn’t seem concerned, I opened the gate, only to be bitten, not just a nip, twice. I now have huge bruises and teeth marks.
Her reaction was shocking. “Doing its job” and perhaps you should meet it? No thank you.
Today she has made absolutely no reference to it and literally seems to have brushed it under the carpet. The dog has rubbish recall and I dread to think what would have happened had it been a child. It’s clearly unreliable and badly trained. So, WWYD? I’m really annoyed there’s been no communication from her about this. Plus I’m obviously badly bruised. It’s a decent sized dog, not huge.
def as other said photos now and for the next few days so you have record. Tell her if she does nothing then you will report it, guard dog or not if it cannot be trusted when liveries are around then chain or lock i up. Last resort move, but tell other liveries what it has done.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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I don’t think they are naturally sceptic. Maybe a bit negative…

Sorry. 🤣
My SiL ended up on the operating table! She went to A&E after a dog bit her out running but they didn't give her the right antibiotics and her whole leg swelled up with infection.

OP - I'd like to say I can't believe how nonchalant the YO was but I know quite a few people who have been bitten and owners have shrugged it off.