Bitten by YO’s dog


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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My SiL ended up on the operating table! She went to A&E after a dog bit her out running but they didn't give her the right antibiotics and her whole leg swelled up with infection.

OP - I'd like to say I can't believe how nonchalant the YO was but I know quite a few people who have been bitten and owners have shrugged it off.
C was making light of the misspelling. I was going to wade in about the difference between tetanus and septic regardless of scepticsim (sp?!) but thought that might be too much for a friday night.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Leaving without giving notice? I have actually possibly found somewhere, but she’s going to be getting all that extra money of mine. Like a gift for her dog doing this.
Give her nothing. If you have paid for e.g. the rest of the month I doubt you will get it back but certainly don't give her any money in lieu of notice. She forfeited that right when she allowed her dog to bite you with impunity.
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Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I have no idea and yes there were. No one has mentioned it since. I think I really need to just cut my losses and be gone, then I’ll report it. I will take more photos now.
You could sue her for the return of your livery money and any financial loss that you have incurred, after you leave.


Well-Known Member
17 January 2009
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Yesterday afternoon I arrived at the yard to get my horse in as he was due a routine vet visit.
YO has a dog which I have seen before at the yard, a busy yard with more than 20 liveries, but today it was running loose. As I walked to the gate it ran up barking and since the owner didn’t seem concerned, I opened the gate, only to be bitten, not just a nip, twice. I now have huge bruises and teeth marks.
Her reaction was shocking. “Doing its job” and perhaps you should meet it? No thank you.
Today she has made absolutely no reference to it and literally seems to have brushed it under the carpet. The dog has rubbish recall and I dread to think what would have happened had it been a child. It’s clearly unreliable and badly trained. So, WWYD? I’m really annoyed there’s been no communication from her about this. Plus I’m obviously badly bruised. It’s a decent sized dog, not huge.
What sort of dog? I agree a dog shouldn’t go round biting people and should be under control but is it known as a guard dog? Did you speak to it or just ignore it hence it coming towards you? Are there notices up advising there’s a dog running loose? Always at least two sides to every story, still you shouldn’t have been bitten and maybe it shouldn’t have been running loose but strange if there are lots of other liveries who had met it and not had a problem.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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You could sue her for the return of your livery money and any financial loss that you have incurred, after you leave.
I think OP needs to decide what she actually wants or wants to happen. Of course it isn't OK to be bitten by a dog. I wonder however how many witnesses there will be? they won't be very popular with YO if they intend to stay.

If OP intends to try and obtain compensation then I think she should contact the legal helpline of her house insurance and find out how to pursue it. Possibly also get medical evidence and get the bite checked out and the names and addresses of witnesses. There may of course be the situation she ends up with it septic and hospitalised. I spent 2 weeks in hospital after a horse bite. If that happened then the question of losses would come into it
What sort of dog? I agree a dog shouldn’t go round biting people and should be under control but is it known as a guard dog? Did you speak to it or just ignore it hence it coming towards you? Are there notices up advising there’s a dog running loose? Always at least two sides to every story, still you shouldn’t have been bitten and maybe it shouldn’t have been running loose but strange if there are lots of other liveries who had met it and not had a problem.
there is no info about this and I wondered why someone out of the blue got bitten yet it had never bitten anyone before or has it. If it is a guard dog I wonder if O P could claim against the business insurance.



Well-Known Member
15 August 2015
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omg what an awful attitude for her to have! Had she handled it differently and been very apologetic and concerned I think my actions would be very different to how she has behaved. We have a guard dog who has bitten in the past but we do everything in our power to keep people safe. It is only when they don’t listen that they have been bitten and entered somewhere they have been told not to go. For this reasons even though we have land we couldn’t risk having liveries here.

I think you should report this so that the police come round and have a stern word with her (which is what it will be if it’s first offence) but I’d start looking for another yard too as chances are she won’t take it well.

Caol Ila

Well-Known Member
23 January 2012
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What sort of dog? I agree a dog shouldn’t go round biting people and should be under control but is it known as a guard dog? Did you speak to it or just ignore it hence it coming towards you? Are there notices up advising there’s a dog running loose? Always at least two sides to every story, still you shouldn’t have been bitten and maybe it shouldn’t have been running loose but strange if there are lots of other liveries who had met it and not had a problem.

Is it relevent? Does the OP need to have the skills and knowledge to handle a sharp dog in order to not be bit on her livery yard?

I once looked at a yard where the YO had two lively GSDs, and she assured me that the younger one had 'only bitten a few people but she's fine if you give her a ball.' Great! Goes without saying that my horse did not end up there. For a few reasons, but one was that I did not fancy my chances at dealing with those damned dogs by myself, since I am not a dog person. Handling someone else’s spicey dog is not on my list of skills I should need as a horse owner (on hacks in the public park, I’m on the horse, and when approached by off lead dogs, I act like a deranged two headed Doctor Who monster, but that’s totally different).

If you have liveries on your property, then your dogs have to be either safe for non-dog people to walk past, or confined. Maybe the OP was up at an unusual time of day for her vet visit, so the dog was out when it normally would not be, but I still think it's on the YO to make it safe for owners, vets, etc.
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Well-Known Member
18 August 2021
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I was told to go to a minor injuries clinic within 4 hours of being bitten by a dog, got given antibiotics but no need for a tetanus jab apparently. I have a medical condition but I got the impression from 111 that this was standard advice for everyone. Keep an eye on it OP especially if you haven't had it looked at by a medical professional, puncture wounds can easily become infected. I would definitely move in your situation but then I dislike dogs and am afraid of them so I think this is why I get bitten, it's happened before 😢 .


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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What sort of dog? I agree a dog shouldn’t go round biting people and should be under control but is it known as a guard dog? Did you speak to it or just ignore it hence it coming towards you? Are there notices up advising there’s a dog running loose? Always at least two sides to every story, still you shouldn’t have been bitten and maybe it shouldn’t have been running loose but strange if there are lots of other liveries who had met it and not had a problem.
I really disagree. Notices or not there is no excuse or other side to the story that makes it ok to have a dog running loose in a business premises with lots of third parties potentially around and then not to take any responsibility at all.
What reason would it be ok?
If my dog was loose in this situation none of them would bite whatever the person did or whatever my signage said.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2014
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are you the first person it has bitten? on a yard of 20 liveries it must have form surely. Were there any witnesses to the attack?
My dog bit the postie once. He had never bitten anyone before or since it was entirely situational. I was mortified, apologetic etc etc. Royal Mail reported it to the police & I ended up being arrested over the whole debacle...

I would be moving asap OP.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2009
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The yard owner's attitude is outrageous. Report her to the police. Tell them you have been bitten by what you believe to be a guard dog running loose on business premises that you have been used to entering safely, and that you are worried about other people being bitten, given the owner's indifference. My understanding is that under the Guard Dogs Act of 1975 such dogs should be under the strict control of a handler unless secured. The breed of dog makes no difference. Obviously, she'll deny it's a guard dog, but her assertion that the dog was doing its 'job' somewhat contradicts that.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2009
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My dog bit the postie once. He had never bitten anyone before or since it was entirely situational. I was mortified, apologetic etc etc. Royal Mail reported it to the police & I ended up being arrested over the whole debacle...

I would be moving asap OP.
Out of interest, what were you actually arrested for?


Well-Known Member
1 June 2021
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My dog bit the postie once. He had never bitten anyone before or since it was entirely situational. I was mortified, apologetic etc etc. Royal Mail reported it to the police & I ended up being arrested over the whole debacle...

I would be moving asap OP.

When I worked as a postie I had a few dogs on my rounds that had warning cards. 2 were post grabbers, not dangerous but a couple of others I would be terrified if they did get out. Another man I met out walking his dog I would have to cross the street away from him as his dog would go for anyone dressed as a postie. I met him a few times when I was in normal clothes and the dog never looked at me. Something about turning up everyday but leaving again seems to set some dogs off.
Sorry you got arrested! Seems a bit much since it was out of the blue and not a repeated offence.

Hope you get your horse moved asap op


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Move asap, small claims to reclaim money if you’ve just paid. I’d tell her you’ve reported to police as you’re moving out. I’m gobsmacked at her insouciance! The absolute ruddy cheek! Classic case of dog out of control. Please report for the sake of everyone else. I hope you heal up without complications and you’re not fearful in future (although it wouldn’t be sur😢)


Well-Known Member
6 May 2008
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My dog bit the postie once. He had never bitten anyone before or since it was entirely situational. I was mortified, apologetic etc etc. Royal Mail reported it to the police & I ended up being arrested over the whole debacle...
And yet, a dog breaks loose on the street, runs into the road and attacks a horse, causing injury to a person and damage to property in the process and that's a civil matter? Police need to sort themselves out.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2014
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Out of interest, what were you actually arrested for?
Charged under the dangerous dog act. I posted about it on here at the time it was years ago, 2019. The incident happened in June and the police turned up at my house in August.

I live in a small rural town, don't think they have much to do at times...


Well-Known Member
22 June 2018
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I think OP needs to decide what she actually wants or wants to happen. Of course it isn't OK to be bitten by a dog. I wonder however how many witnesses there will be? they won't be very popular with YO if they intend to stay.

If OP intends to try and obtain compensation then I think she should contact the legal helpline of her house insurance and find out how to pursue it. Possibly also get medical evidence and get the bite checked out and the names and addresses of witnesses. There may of course be the situation she ends up with it septic and hospitalised. I spent 2 weeks in hospital after a horse bite. If that happened then the question of losses would come into it

there is no info about this and I wondered why someone out of the blue got bitten yet it had never bitten anyone before or has it. If it is a guard dog I wonder if O P could claim against the business insurance.

I have no idea if it has bitten anyone else. Yeah, I’m thinking that too about witnesses. Anyway, my horse’s safety comes first. YO finally spoke to me again today, four days later, and after my telling her what I thought of her as a dog owner, she asked if I wanted to give a month’s notice, clearly expecting me to bottle it as she was really shocked when I said yes and actually asked me to repeat it.
I saw a place yesterday, no good, not even short term, and seeing another tomorrow, asking someone else who I’m sure will be able to help and also seeing another place on Thursday that will be short term. I need to put him first, then I’ll be after her. 💪