Bittersweet wk. bad news and bridges built with my mare


Well-Known Member
16 July 2012
Dublin, Ireland
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What a week.. Full of highs and lows..
Bad news first... My Connie chap who was bought as a jumping schoolmaster has been a bit off for last month... ( since we hunter trialed) time off given, vet called... Sound on a circle, couple of lame steps on a circle but he wasnt overly concerned, some time off and brought him back into work lightly.. Also got my mc timmony back guy up and he said he was v unlevel behind and had muscle wastage.. And put a programme in place .. Roll on last week and just wasn't happy... Took him off to the equine hospital and its not good news, potential damage to sacroiliac joint... He is being bone scanned to figure out severity of damage:( and if its v bad will have to consider options that don't bear thinking about.... He has totally done his job and got my jumping confidence. taking us to our first 70cms double clear and coming 6th in our first hunter trials...

Roll on friday morning and i was not in a good place emotionally and had a bit of a meltdown when i got to yard... However decided to kick on and have lesson on my mare. Long story short I lost confidence on her last yr , she is super talented but my nerves not so talented. Have a way more brave rider helping with her and its broken my heart to watch her achieving so much more than I have.
Well wow its taken two year but omg talk about a turnaround... Mare hates the wind and it was super blustery... It was as if she knew I was fragile... Flatwork was superb and then my instructor wanted us to do grid work... Normally my stomach would be churning but for some reason I felt confident??? Not only did we nail grid but put the last part up to an 80cms straight at end for last few goes... And it wasn't just a matter of me staying on... I actually rode and was able to get a good jumping position with a solid lower leg!!! ( for first time ever on her)

So mixed week altogether:)

risky business

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22 April 2010
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Sorry to hear about your boys problems, I hope the scan shows the damage is minimal so you can have more time with him.

Great news about your mare though! Hopefully you can continue to build up your confidence with her and achieve many more things with her :)


Well-Known Member
16 July 2012
Dublin, Ireland
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Ita gutting:( its been said that damage is quite severe... Am gutted. He has done his job and got my confidence up and adore him to bits... Scan is going to cost me 1k but at least I will know then how bad damage is.
Oh no....gutted for you about your beautiful boy....that must be soul destroying :( :(
Well done with your mare though xx Hugs xx