bitting query for a young cob - needs to be dressage legal


Well-Known Member
28 March 2008
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I hope it is ok posting this in the competition forum - I thought I might find people with a bit more expertise here than in other places!
My cob doesn't seem entirely happy with his bit at the moment and I'm not sure what would be a good option to try for him. Whatever I chose would need to be BD legal.
He's currently in a french link snaffle with full cheeks. He works fairly nicely in it most of the time but every so often he will pull it downwards quite sharply. It happens maybe only once or twice during a schooling session and usually when warming up. I'm an experienced rider but I have done very little dressage until now and I'm not sure why he is doing this - is it maybe just an evasion? He's very young and just working long and low at the moment so I can't imagine his muscles are tiring or anything like that. He's had his teeth checked by the way.
In terms of bitting I had thought he might go better in a straight bar as many cobs I've come across seem to like a straight pelham or similar and I wondered whether it is something to do with the shape of their mouths. I thought a straight bar rubber snaffle might be a good option and I also came across something called a Cambridge Snaffle which looked as though it might be something to try.
If anyone knows more than me about cobs, bitting, and the behaviour described above I would be so grateful for some advice before I spend a load of money on bits without knowing whether they will help!


Well-Known Member
1 October 2005
New Zealand but from UK
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Have you had his teeth checked? You haven't said how old he is but young horses do a lot of teething in the early years of schooling, he may have a cap sitting ontop of his new permenant tooth that is making him uncomfortable.


Well-Known Member
20 May 2004
The Moon
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Speak to Heather at Neue Shuele (think thats how its spelt) I've just changed bits with my TB to the NS Team Up and he is a totally different horse!