Bitting suggestions


Well-Known Member
25 February 2009
I wonder if the almighty forum can suggest a few ideas for a bit for my mare? This is purely for jumping as she is happy in a hanging cheek french link snaffle for flat work. Currently she is in a straight bar happy mouth pelham with roundings and curb chain (all the normal bits). I have a feeling it is rather too wide so am considering changing it anyway.

She gets strong jumping and at times has a tendency to not pay a blind bit of attention when you try to communicate with her and can become very difficult to turn. She has a tendency to open her mouth and yaw with single jointed bits so I avoid them (the only reason I went with the happy mouth even though it's straight is because it was shaped over the tongue, she doesn't really like thick mouthpieces) . She also likes to duck out given the opportunity so it would be great to find something that just gives a little more steering help.

We've had a kimblewick in but that seemed to be too much and the metal mouthpiece seemed to harsh for her, hence going for the plastic mouthpiece. I just wonder if a pelham with a french link could be a possibility? I know they're a bit frowned upon as they're neither one thing nor the other and technically shouldn't work but maybe a less rigid mouthpiece would help stop this setting against the bit? A friend took her to Shelford one day event and had real problems with steering and brakes, she just wasn't able to get her attention and at one point had to turn a circle to pull her up and get her listening again. She's generally soft mouthed but just has this tendency to switch off and do her own thing! I think something thin but with tongue relief might be the answer but I'm not quite sure what to try. Does anyone have any thoughts on a Tom Thumb bit?

Many thanks!


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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I love my Tom Thumb bit, I have used it a lot especially for hunting. You can also add a curb strap to it if necessary.

What about a Nathe combination or pelham, they do a link mouthpiece or a roller joint, haven't had a horse yet that doesn't like them.

Other than that have you tried a waterford mouthpiece?


Well-Known Member
25 February 2009
I love my Tom Thumb bit, I have used it a lot especially for hunting. You can also add a curb strap to it if necessary.

What about a Nathe combination or pelham, they do a link mouthpiece or a roller joint, haven't had a horse yet that doesn't like them.

Other than that have you tried a waterford mouthpiece?

Thanks for the reply. I've not tried a waterford but have pondered on it, I'll also have a look at the Nathe combination, sounds interesting!


Well-Known Member
25 February 2009
Quick question in case anyone else looks - is there much difference between in action a Tom Thumb and a Dutch Gag? Obviously you have the rotating bit rings but the dutch gag ones are much bigger, so is the action of the tom thumb more 'direct'?