Bizarre hiccups - and saddle fitter update


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
East Sussex
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I post a few days ago about my problems with my saddle fitter who has done a runner and left me with sore ponies and crap saddles....anyhow, today I got a new professional saddle fitter in for a second opinion on the current saddles and he has sorted it all out for me, now I just have to track down the other guy and go after him...

However, how weird is this; when the previous saddle fitter came in Dec the pony became very nervy (not unusual for him) and was hiccupping (sp?) violently and clenching his stomach muscles at the same time - like when you see a joke video of someone larking around with a Slendertone. We put it down to the fact that he had some Guinness in his breakfast for an Xmas pressie.

Today, the new fitter, approached the pony with the saddle, and once again within seconds the pony started hiccupping again, in exactly the same way. When ridden he was absolutely fine, but started up again when the man went to feel around the gullet.

Now my take on this is that the poor pony has been so hurt by the saddle in the past, and resents the male fitter fiddling with him. Amazing to think that the pony has this sort of saddle/male/pain memory but reassuring to think that he is as bright as I think he is!

Anyone else had this sort of anxiety / memory / behaviour experience? Just thought I'd ask!

Thanks guys x


Well-Known Member
18 September 2009
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My horse quite often used to hiccup. If left tacked up he would hiccup, and he would generally hiccup in the xc start box (he always stopped hiccuping as soon as he started the xc). I've always thought with my horse it was down to nerves and anticipation, he is very sensitive and is easily worried (in the past he has always been ridden by large male pro riders). He was always placed under pressure. He rarely hiccups now, I think is is down to a more relaxed, and less pressured environment.


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25 August 2005
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Hattie was hiccuping out hunting on Thurs. She's never done it before but she wouldn't eat her breakfast that morning and only nibbled on hay so I put it down to her not having much in her gut and being excited. She only hiccupped about 4 times and only when we were stood for a while.


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18 August 2003
In the middle of the Channel
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Not quite the same but a reaction - although different from yours - but my daughter's pony started "panting" when being ridden but only with the saddle on (bareback and on the lunge she was absolutely fine). Had the vet out as was worried about her heart but he thinks it's a pain reaction. Been without a saddle now for about 6 weeks, waiting for a different saddler to come over (live in Channel Islands) to re-fit a new one.


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
East Sussex
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Thanks for your replies guys - yes I seems to be an anxious reaction to a) men and b) the badly fitting saddle.

My other horse who was a total pussy cat to handle in the yard has turned into a complete pig - trying to bite, swishing tail, lifting back legs threateningly and ears back when we do his rugs or try to tack him up, and brush his back / belly. We had the now-known-to-be-rubbish fitter check his saddle over and assuming that was gospel and he was ok, he's been looked at by vets, physios etc and even had a bone scan, and now I think it is all very much related to the saddle. Oh what a fool I've been - next time I'll get a second opinion on the saddle from someone else rather than assume it is right just because I'm told it is.


Well-Known Member
18 September 2009
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angelbones I completly sympatise i've had this problem. The horse with the hiccups I mentioned would buck whilst being tacked up, and would rear over if you tried to get on him. Eventually realised it was his made to measure saddle (a very well known make) after alot of vets and physio bills. I felt a complete fool aswell, and also so guilty for what I put my horse through. I learnt to use a fitter reccommended by my physio, who stocks alot of different makes, and styles, so i wouldnt be tied to one particular make, as these fitters will sell you a saddle even if it isn't right for your horse because it is the way they make their money. Hope you get it sorted, saddle fitting is a nightmare.