Bleinham horse trials more questions


Well-Known Member
23 October 2008
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Still debating stopping off for a few days here on the way home from Yorkshire to Wales.
I will have my dogs with me.It quite expensive (£400 for the caravan package) The dogs are allowed on the caravan park and at the event (on a lead of course) but is there anywhere you can watch the dressage from with the dogs (not allowed in the stands which I fully understand)
Have contacted Bleinham to see if they have a dog crèche and they are thinking about it but cannot guarantee it.
It looks like given its one of the only horse events going ahead it is going to be a larger event but is it worth it if there is nowhere to view the action.We only usually do a couple of hours each dressage day with the dogs in the crèche at Burghley and Badminton and of course cross-country day it's fine to be on the course.
Can anybody who has attend help with this information.

Lady Jane

Well-Known Member
1 September 2019
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If you pay for access to the members tent, loads of people have dogs. There is limited seating outside but its not usually a problem. I think the terminology this year is 'Club Pass'. Access to nice toilets too!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2008
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Thanks If we can't see any dressage it's not worth going The club membership is £450 as opposed to £320 but worth the extra if we can find somewhere where we can have the dogs with us
We will be on our way back from Yorkshire but still nearly 4 hours away from home so not worth nearly 8 hours travelling to going home and back to drop off the dogs.
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Well-Known Member
8 August 2007
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The club enclosure this year does not overlook the main arena - it is positioned by the 'attractions' area. To go in what used to be the members and is now called the Blenheim enclosure costs about £420 per person on the saturday and around £300 per person on other days (can't remember exactly how much)

Also worth knowing is that if you buy a seat for the showjumping on sunday you have NO choice of where to sit - all seats will be allocated by ballot.

After going every year for all 4 days in the members for around the last 20 years I will no longer be attending so long as the price is so ridiculous and the ability to choose your seat is not allowed.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I haven't been for a couple of years but it was possible to watch the dressage with dogs, I went to the far end of the areana (house end), there's no seating and you're not right up close to the action but perfectly posible to see what's gong on, I live locally so go after 4pm on dressage day as it's free. That won't be possible this year as it's ticket only.

Lady Jane

Well-Known Member
1 September 2019
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The club enclosure this year does not overlook the main arena - it is positioned by the 'attractions' area. To go in what used to be the members and is now called the Blenheim enclosure costs about £420 per person on the saturday and around £300 per person on other days (can't remember exactly how much)

Also worth knowing is that if you buy a seat for the showjumping on sunday you have NO choice of where to sit - all seats will be allocated by ballot.

After going every year for all 4 days in the members for around the last 20 years I will no longer be attending so long as the price is so ridiculous and the ability to choose your seat is not allowed.

It doesn't matter for us this year as we are just going for the Saturday but useful to know. I wonder if they will fill the Blenheim enclosure at those prices?