Blood test results... can anyone interpret for me?


Well-Known Member
30 October 2005
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My rising 4 year old has been a bit off her food and out of sorts recently and her blood results came through this morning. The vet said she was a bit anemic and has given a course of Haemolytan 400 to help.

Anyway, I always keep copies of the blood reports but would love to know what all the 'readings' in a report mean. I notice on this one that there are + and - in brackets against some of this horse's results indicating when the result is outside the norm.

Anyway, for anyone who really has nothing better to do here are the results from this morning....

ALB (22-37) = 34
AST (175-340) = 302
Ca++ (2.87-3.55) = 3.08
TBIL (9-39) = 45+
GGT (5-24) = 9
TP (57-80) = 70
GLOB (27-50) = 36
BUN (2.5-8.9) = 4
CRE (35-150) = 55
GLU (3.6-6.1) = 6.3+
CK (120-470) = 251

Na+ (126-146) = 140
K+ (2.5-5.2) = 4.5
tC02 (20-33) = 30

WBC (5-12) = 7.33
Lym (20-40) = 39.6
Mon (2-8) = 2.9
Gra (50-70) = 57.5
RBC (7-13) = 6.75-
MCV (35-60) = 49
Hct (32-53) = 33
MCH (13-20) = 13.7
MCHC (30-42) = 28.1-
RDW (8-12) = 13.4+

Hb (11-17) = 9.3-

PLT (100-400) = 489-
MPV (4-7) = 9.2+
Pct = 0.45%
PDW (6-10) = 10.9

Or is there anywhere on line which gives details of how to interpret these sorts of results?

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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Here goes...

ALB = Albumin
AST = Aspartate transaminase
Ca = Calcium
TBIL = Total Bilirubin
GGT = Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase
TP = Total protein
GLOB = Globulin
BUN = Blood Urea Nitrogen
CRE = Creatine
GLU = Glucose
CK = Creatine kinase

Na+ = Sodium
K = Potassium
tco2 = Total Carbon Dioxide

WBC = White Blood Cells
Lym = Lymphocytes
Mon = Monocytes
Gra = Granulocytes
RBC = Red Blood Cells
MCV = Mean corpuscular volume
Htc = Hematocrit
MCH = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
MCHC = Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration
RDW = Red cell distribution width

Hb = Haemoglobin

PLT = Platelet count
MPV = Mean platelet volume
Pct = Procalcitonin
PDW = Platelet distribution width

because i clearly have nothing better to do!lol.
AND here you can read what is normal for a blood test...


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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I am always a bit suspicious of the "anaemia" diagnosis ,because in a resting horse the red blood cell count goes totaly out of kilter. A horse on box rest / walkies , has a very low red cell count because they are being stored in the spleen. All part of the horses amazing and unique circulatory system.What does jump out at me is the lymphocyte count ,which while within limits (just) suggests that some sort of infection is ongoing. Treatment for anaemia wont hurt but be aware that that is probably not the problem. I would give a horse with this result LIGHT work and another test in a couple of weeks.PS this is not a "veterinary" diagnosis , merely the observations of an experienced horsey type.


Well-Known Member
30 October 2005
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Brilliant, thanks HBBambee. Very helpful indeed. Was never quite sure what all the abbreviations stood for. I'll print that off and keep it.

Mike007: She's an unbacked filly. Out during the day and in at night, so not doing any work at all [yet]. Vet mentioned the readings suggested an inflammed liver, too. I assume that'll be a side effect of some virus or other she's been harbouring for a while. She had a cough and slightly snotty nose about 6/7 weeks ago... Maybe it's a lingering bug causing her to feel so run down. She's finishing a 5 day course of antibiotics today and starting to eat a little bit of course mix and I started the Haemolytan 400 yesterday. Wanted to start working with her this week to start the backing process.... not sure what to do now :confused: