Bloods taken from my youngster - advice pls


Well-Known Member
8 February 2007
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My Yearling (May 08 foal) is still extremely poor and tucked up, not losing his winter coat etc (many posts in NL detailing) so we had bloods taken yesterday.
Once analysed results will be back for Tues because of bank hol. Do they usually give results over the phone & apologies if stupid question but other than these results can I do anything more, and how definitive are the results ie if certain cells low/high etc does this always pinpoint easily what the problem is, or can further tests then be required? Thnx.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2008
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I've always had results over the phone

Until you get the results, there's nothing much you can do (unless vet has said otherwise of course). Sometimes further tests would be required, but quite often they can pinpoint the exact problem. It really depends on what the blood tests show initially, and what they were tested for (as there's different tests which can be done - cell counts, organ function etc).

I had my mare tested last year as she wasn't 100%. The vet called me to say that her kidneys were fine, her liver wasn't great but was ok (old age), and her white cells were raised - diagnosis, some sort of infection, probably urinary, and to take a sample for testing - we did this and it showed a minor infection (which we were already treating as a result of the blood tests). I've also had her tested in the past as she had an infection - bloods showed exactly what infection she had, and the appropriate antibiotics were prescribed.

Hope this helps - sorry it's long - and hope your young lad is ok