Blummin ouch


Well-Known Member
8 August 2014
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So after a sunny gentle start to Sunday morning the wind picked up and became cool and showery so at 3pm I thought I’d bring my girls in. As I walked up to their field some teenagers were shouting for their ponies to come to them in a paddock one removed from mine. My mares thought the girls were calling them and hammered across to the fence line and trotted up and down it in excitement. My girls then heard me at their gate and belted across to me. I waited til they were standing peaceably and went to get old girl. Headcollar problem ..I turned to walk oldie the four strides to the gate and she cannoned into me knocking me over. Elf would approve.... I rolled and curled up with hands over my head and oldie jumped over me and trotted in a small circle trailing the lead rope. I got up quickly ( this surprised me as I usually have difficulty) and caught oldie easily and took her in without incident....ditto with other mare.
My arm was sore but I completed duties and got in car to come home. Driving along I rubbed my sore forearm thinking about bruising ..lifted hand away....covered in blood. It’s only a few minutes drive so I tormented myself about Adrenalin hiding broken bones and kept prodding up and down..nope I’m fine. In the mirror I can see a cut, quite deep, straight line 3 cm long. I’ve cleaned it, put plaster on, ice pack and stiff drink. It’s still bleeding but I think it ll seal over and be fine. Thank goodness I had a couple of clothing layers on as it was cool..In a tee shirt it might have been nastier.
Blummin ouch.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2018
Dartmoor, Devon
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Yep,ouch. My oldie nearly had me over a couple of months back when he saw a tractor a couple of fields away... I ended up,spinning like a top! Hope it stops,bleeding soon.

Mrs. Jingle

Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
Deep in Bandit Country
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You were probably lucky it wasn't any worse to be honest, I hope it does heal quickly but I bet you will be pretty sore tomorrow.

These days I think life is far more dangerous on the ground around horses than actually riding them!. after over 70 years around horses I only managed a serious injury breaking my neck once in a riding fall when backing a youngster many years ago. However, an accident similar (as far as I can remember anyway) to yours with only my own two horses involved in a gateway has had me out of action for nearly a year now! Even the broken neck only had me grounded for 6 months lol!


Well-Known Member
8 August 2014
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I don’t think I’m going to share your news with my OH Mrs Jingle ?..over dinner I’ve listened to him telling me to wear my hard hat whilst bringing in and he d like me to text him just before and just after I’ve got them in...
Im sorry to hear about your accident and I really hope you are improving daily...I’m still bleeding through 3 plasters but I keep leaning on it. Honestly I’m Mrs health and safety on the yard...flipping typical....