Border terriers and cats


Well-Known Member
3 April 2011
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depends on the way you bring them up.

If you apply that train of thought then all bull breeds are child mauling killers. GSDs are vicious attack dogs etc etc...

None of my three terriers would take on a cat, fox... now thats another matter...


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Having bred BTs for nearly 30 years I think it's fairly safe to say IME, that if your puppy is brought up with cats from a young age then it will be fine - with your cat - but it may still try to chase/kill any other cat that steps foot in your garden or it meets on walks. They can be brilliant with cats but there are many of them that just can't help themselves and they have to see them off and possibly dispatch. It's far easier to introduce a terrier pup into a house that already has cats than the other way around; not impossible but not for the faint hearted. A friend did this, peace reigned for nearly a year, they were sociable and easy with each other but when she was out one day, the terrier flipped and killed the cat so just be warned to always be on your guard and don't leave alone together if you can help it.


Well-Known Member
21 October 2005
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I have 2 Jack Russell Terriers and they're brilliant with my cat who is the grand old age of 21! Other people's cats are a different story though - they can differentiate! :)

Native Speaker

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9 November 2007
In the doghouse.........
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Having bred BTs for nearly 30 years I think it's fairly safe to say IME, that if your puppy is brought up with cats from a young age then it will be fine - with your cat - but it may still try to chase/kill any other cat that steps foot in your garden or it meets on walks. They can be brilliant with cats but there are many of them that just can't help themselves and they have to see them off and possibly dispatch. It's far easier to introduce a terrier pup into a house that already has cats than the other way around; not impossible but not for the faint hearted. A friend did this, peace reigned for nearly a year, they were sociable and easy with each other but when she was out one day, the terrier flipped and killed the cat so just be warned to always be on your guard and don't leave alone together if you can help it.

Basically, what Maesfen said ^^^^

Tugg, our old BT, lived with a cat. Worf had been in residence, so to speak, for about 18 months before Tugg arrived as a 12 week-old pup. Worf was most definately the boss, regularly putting Tugg in his place. They did, however, share the same sleeping space and Worf often 'employed' Tugg as his bodyguard to see off other cats from the garden. Tugg was a gentle soul, for a terrier (I'm not so sure I would trust Bear, our new BT, quite so much if here were to see a cat:(), but as Maesfen said, please be on your guard. Better safe than sorry. ;)