Box rest entertainment


24 January 2015
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Hello - wonder if anyone has any ideas which could make box rest more bearable for my mare. She’s expected to be in for a month or more ?. I’m planning on getting her a rechargeable radio but I’m thinking more of things to keep her mind active and interested.

The stable is comfortable and airy so it’s physically a healthy place. Problem is she won’t have any company as cattle that would share the shed in winter are all out. Also her view from the stable to the yard is restricted - which isn’t usually an issue as she’s out 24/7 summer and only in once it starts to go dark in winter so she’s never had anything to miss before!

I did think I could tie up root veg for her to bat around but Tried her with a fodder beet last year and she wasn’t all that interested ... it was too much effort to chomp ?


24 January 2015
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Also forgot* if anyone knows of any really thick rubber floor matting? Need a new one to prevent slipping & would be good to raise the floor level a bit too ? not sure what to google. Been looking at milking parlour floor raisers if anyone has tried them? ?


24 January 2015
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I really would try not to stimulate her, but to keep things quiet and calm, maybe a quiet radio during the day, but I find that after a week or so, they usually accept the change.

I see what you mean. She’s very laid back and generally enjoys being in so I’m not worried about her stressing out or getting wound up. I just don’t like the idea much of her being stuck in the stable bored with nothing much to look at.


Well-Known Member
18 April 2015
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Oh poor you - I always think that it is almost as bad for the owners with all the worry. I hope that she makes a good recovery.

I have not used them but I heard that stable mirrors are good for horses in alone. I also think that they appreciate the presence of humans in these situations, if you have any children in your family maybe they could sit near her box to read? When one of mine was in the hospital I used to take the laptop and work sitting on the floor of her box. Sounds daft I know but I did feel that she liked the company (although admittedly I may have been kidding myself).

Good luck and I hope that it goes quickly.


24 January 2015
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Oh poor you - I always think that it is almost as bad for the owners with all the worry. I hope that she makes a good recovery.

I have not used them but I heard that stable mirrors are good for horses in alone. I also think that they appreciate the presence of humans in these situations, if you have any children in your family maybe they could sit near her box to read? When one of mine was in the hospital I used to take the laptop and work sitting on the floor of her box. Sounds daft I know but I did feel that she liked the company (although admittedly I may have been kidding myself).

Good luck and I hope that it goes quickly.

Doesn’t sound daft at all I’ve been trying to work out if my phone contract will allow me to use the signal to run my laptop connection so I can set up shop down in the stable ? she’s definitely a people ‘person’ who craves human attention over any other company so maybe work from stable rather than work from home isn’t such a daft idea...


24 January 2015
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You can get chopped grass in a block that you hang from the rafters - they kept my mare occupied on box rest for a while. Or how about a normal treat ball with some lo cal grass nuts in?

I’ll look into the block not heard of that before. I’ll check with the vet whether knocking a treat ball about would put strain on her foot.. they seem like they’d be in the way once the fun was over but it’s worth a try!


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29 October 2015
Sunny Stirlingshire
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I’ll look into the block not heard of that before. I’ll check with the vet whether knocking a treat ball about would put strain on her foot.. they seem like they’d be in the way once the fun was over but it’s worth a try!

I've had a rummage and found them. They're called Silvermoor Swingers. I know.... you need to be brave to type it into Google! ? ?


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16 September 2012
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Hay nets in different parts of the stable are quite helpful. You could stuff a carrot or two in for her to find. Most horses seem to like a bit of Radio 3 too.

If she is not a laminitis risk, my friend had excellent success with Likit holders when her horse was on box rest. They really seemed to occupy her and they do quite a few different flavours and types now.

I also like the hay blocks that go in the little hay nets, the Equilibrium ones are not particularly cheap but I am yet to meet a horse that dislikes them.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
Collect a couple of plastic milk bottles - any size. Dispose of lids and hang them on baler twine around the stable. All our horses LOVE playing with them - it's a cheap stable toy and they can't do any damage. Also worth hanging a swede up - or anything else she fancies: cored apples on a piece of baler twin, even half a watermelon - most horses LOVE them.


24 January 2015
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Hay nets in different parts of the stable are quite helpful. You could stuff a carrot or two in for her to find. Most horses seem to like a bit of Radio 3 too.

If she is not a laminitis risk, my friend had excellent success with Likit holders when her horse was on box rest. They really seemed to occupy her and they do quite a few different flavours and types now.

I also like the hay blocks that go in the little hay nets, the Equilibrium ones are not particularly cheap but I am yet to meet a horse that dislikes them.

Radio 3, noted! I’ve never bought a likit always thought it would be like giving a child a pack of harribos instead of an apple but given that she’s poorly I guess I could cave to them. Never seen those little hay blocks they are cute thanks for the suggestions !


24 January 2015
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Collect a couple of plastic milk bottles - any size. Dispose of lids and hang them on baler twine around the stable. All our horses LOVE playing with them - it's a cheap stable toy and they can't do any damage. Also worth hanging a swede up - or anything else she fancies: cored apples on a piece of baler twin, even half a watermelon - most horses LOVE them.

I love this idea cheap and cheerful so will give it a go ?


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Hello - wonder if anyone has any ideas which could make box rest more bearable for my mare. She’s expected to be in for a month or more ?. I’m planning on getting her a rechargeable radio but I’m thinking more of things to keep her mind active and interested.

The stable is comfortable and airy so it’s physically a healthy place. Problem is she won’t have any company as cattle that would share the shed in winter are all out. Also her view from the stable to the yard is restricted - which isn’t usually an issue as she’s out 24/7 summer and only in once it starts to go dark in winter so she’s never had anything to miss before!

I did think I could tie up root veg for her to bat around but Tried her with a fodder beet last year and she wasn’t all that interested ... it was too much effort to chomp ?
Here are a few ideas

Ideas for box rest

(l) stands for ok for Laminitis horses

  1. leave a radio on (l)
  2. float apples in water buckets
  3. get a treat ball
  4. hang vegetables and fruit in a home made mobile
  5. dot treats round the stable on ledges etc for the horse to find
  6. put likits in
  7. boredom breaker
  8. stable mirror (l)
  9. put hay into a small holed haynet or hayrack
  10. hide treats in the hay / haylage for horse to find
  11. dog pulls can amuse some horses (l)
  12. hang a small bottle of water on a string by the door for horse to play with (l)
  13. put some apple juice into manger for horse to drink
  14. put a football or horse ball in stable (l)
  15. give the horse lunch time scoop of ready grass ( something to look forward to )
  16. cut some fresh grass and put on the floor for him to eat
  17. cut some dandelions and put in stable.
  18. if you can cut some nettles and when dry put in stable.
  19. dot some licorice around the stable the strong smell will keep him amused.
  20. put some crushed polo's into a bottle with a screw top make a few holes in it so smell comes out
  21. hang some wind chimes near his stable. (l)
  22. have the owner make a cd/ cassette of his voice ( reciting a poem etc ) (l)
  23. cut a horse friendly small branch for horse to chew on
  24. get a small water feature, the sound of running water calms horses (l)
  25. if at all possible try grazing or turning horses friend out in paddock where box rest horse can see him. (l)
  26. put some clear apple juice in his water to make his drink tasty and to make sure he is keeping fluids up
  27. hang a familiar rug over his door like his best friends or girl friend to make him for relaxed (l)
  28. hang a Scandinavian salt block up
  29. put a window in the back of the stable if they are due for long term box rest
  30. Put a football in its stable
  31. two haynets each side of stable so he can wander between them both
  32. Have a visiting masseuse treat him weekly or once a month
  33. Sedaline - a mild amount to keep the edge off
  34. Get a small handfull of hay twist it both ends opposite way so like a long sausage, once its twisted as much as you can make a knot in it and pull tight, the horse will chuck it around and spin it around giving fun times.
  35. fill a haynet and bury fruit within the hay net
  36. Give him or her some Valerian


Well-Known Member
16 September 2012
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The other thing I have just thought of which may/may not be doable in your circumstances is to create a 'stable sized' paddock with electric fencing to allow her to graze outside for a few hours safely. I have seen this done with a horse who had respiratory problems because the owner didn't want him inside all day. It worked really well.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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The best thing you can give her is your time. I spent hours hand grazing mine (assuming you are allowed to) and grooming, just generally interacting. He had a treat ball and as lib forage but other than that it was the time out of his box being interacted with that kept him happy


24 January 2015
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Wow that list is pretty comprehensive think we’ve got an armoury of ideas now ?

Hand grazing won’t be possible I don’t think - she’ll have a short prescribed in hand walk per day but nothing else. I’ll look into stable sized turn out if it’s sunny ?

She’s kept at home so she will be sick of the sight of me by the end of it!

Thanks for all the input very helpful. Hopefully useful for someone else too.