Boys v girls


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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I’ve always had bitches. Latest is a boy (loved the breeding, needed something old enough to work this year, no one sells 6 month old bitches).
Tbh he’s almost sold me on them. He doesn’t cock, but is only a year old, and if he starts I am sure he’ll soon learn not to pee on my plants. He is thick and very amiable. But he is a Labrador. He’s going to be an excellent worker.
I won’t allow visiting dogs in my house, last time I dropped that rule it walked in and pee’d all over the hall. (Apart from TW’s Bo who’d never be so uncouth).
Next pup… tbh I’ll not mind what it is and will go for the pup that I like best


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3 September 2012
North East Wales
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Fascinating! My dogs have all been boys and not one has weed everywhere, either in or out of the house. None of the GSDs I’ve had have humped either, and all have been entire. Both my current boys have a preferred spot in the garden for a wee, it’s on the grass, most of the time they do girl wees rather than cock a leg. So this surprised me a bit.

I wouldn’t have a bitch because I have boys, and don’t want to breed. Also there are it seems more potential issues around seasons and spaying, or pyometria if left entire. In terms of personality our breeder said boys are generally much easier going, and if there’s a kerfuffle it’s handbags but a bitch will absolutely mean it and not hold back. His own were strong personalities. I don’t really have much time for ‘because I said so’ bolshiness, either in people or dogs.

My horse is a mare and utterly sassy. If she was a human she would be Bet Lynch. She’s strong minded, independent, hates other horses, tells you her opinion whether you asked or not, but she loves humans and wants to work with them. this makes her an easy ride as she has so much confidence and a real zest for doing stuff. Plus she has a heart of purest gold.

if I had a bitch, I would love her, but I choose boys.


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18 January 2006
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We have 2 boys and 2 girls. All are neutered/spayed.

Bo was entire when he came to us at 4. He had lived outside for the 2 or so years before he came to us, and did spray in the house for the first week or so. We would tell him sternly “bad”. No felt too similar to Bo. He’s never sprayed indoors since, and as Clodagh said above, has visited hers a couple of times, goes to Mums and my MiL’s.

Toby has only been with us a couple of months. Came via a rescue and was neutered when we got him. First week we had a couple of accidents of both types. More nerves than anything I think.

Both boys do mark when we are out and about in the woods etc, and Bo will always cover any wees the two girls do. Luna often cocks her leg, especially if she’s on a sniffing mission. Have never known a bitch do that before.


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14 April 2011
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I have decided I don't think I ever want another male dog... The Hooligan is much harder work than what is basically a glorified lap dog in a spaniel's body has any right to be (I swear he's a throwback to some kind of working dog hundreds of years ago!) Case in point he decided he wasn't really in the mood for agility training today... On our first go around the baby course this involved grumbling at me whenever I pointed out that he was supposed to be doing the jump RIGHT THERE not adventuring into the far corners of the room. Then on second go when he didn't fancy going where he was told he decided channelling his inner collie (wtf?!) and nipping at my boot to herd me out of his way was the answer. On our last attempt he decided to stop dead & refuse to move until I brought the tug toy (complete with newly broken squeaker!) out of my pocket & basically dangled it in front of him ? (I swear he does normally enjoy it but was just in a CBA / not listening to you mood today!). Then of course we have the car chasing attempts, the obsessive leaf chasing & the barking at every little noise in the garden & stealing of everything not nailed down... The bitch I grew up with was MUCH easier to live with! Oh & when he was entire he absolutely did pee everywhere including occasionally on backpacks & clean washing, just because

Crugeran Celt

Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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We have had both male and female dogs but prefer females purely because males do cock their legs up all over the garden and stop to do the same constantly when walking so would always chose a female. Same with horses, have only ever owned one gelding and I would never have another one. He is nervous but at the same time fiercely independent and wants to control everything around him. The only male animal I would have is a cat, male cats seem more chilled than females in my experience.


Well-Known Member
13 June 2013
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I always find dog v bitch experiences interesting. I’ve had both sexes and currently have one of each in the house (GSDs) and in kennels there are eight dogs and three bitches (border collies). I’ve noticed the two dogs who’ve been used at stud do mark much more than those that haven’t. Like others though, none of my dogs or bitches have ever peed in any house once house trained. To me that sounds like a training failure. I’m sure there is some truth in certain characteristics being attributed to gender (dogs more affectionate/bitches aloof etc) but I’ve always found individual personality means much more than whether it’s a male or female. I like both and have no real preference, although I think I may go female in future as I like the smaller, lighter frame and more feminine features.