Pink Gorilla
Well-Known Member
We have a small companion pony who I think would make a fabulous leadrein pony for my children. Although it’s not the end of the world if he’s not suitable, but I’d like to give him the chance. I’ve taught him to lunge and long line etc in full tack and leant over his back lots. I’ve just started leading him from my horse so he gets used to me above him too. But I’m far too big to sit on him and put my full weight on him. For those who have done it before, how would you break a small pony in for a child? I’ve heard of using feed bags etc. I don’t really want to put a dummy rider on him though as I feel those can do more harm than good. Once they’ve gotten used to weight of some form, such as feed bags, where do you go from there? Real tiny human (being held of course).