broken back


Well-Known Member
8 July 2008
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just a quick post to ask how many of you ride or know anyone who rides with a broken back???
the reason i am asking is my friend has broken her back and is numb from the waist down and her legs dont work .
she was told she would never walk but is and she is riding , but gets pissed off thst she cant do what she used t b able to do.
she can walk trot canter and jump a couple of feet just now.
i think she is just being silly that it annoys her only being able to jump a couple of feet ( she used to jump bsja) and she should just enjoy it.
she broke her back falling off a horse
opinions please??


Well-Known Member
27 June 2007
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My friend also broke her back last Dec falling off a horse. Luckily after 3 months of doing nothing and resting it had healed sufficiently for her to ride again. 8 months on and she still can't do what she used to do dressage/jumping wise as she still hasn't got the muscular strength - obv like ur friend this is v frustrating for her. From your post you said that despite the doctors prognosis she can walk now? So I'm assuming she has some feeling back in her legs... My advice really is like my friend - to take it v slowly, ride a schoolmaster/sensible horse and just build up the amount of time riding gradually. Of course this will be frustrating but your health is more important.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2006
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Hi to you and your friends Adgetom and Golddustsara. I broke my neck over 12 years ago in a rotational fall accident and have made an 85% recovery now,but it has taken all that time.Think your friends are amazing in jumping again,especially so soon.I don't jump more than the odd log on a hack, think I know I won't be so lucky if I have another fall.

People with these kinds of injuries do push themselves really hard and are tough on themselves when they can't do what they used advice would be to be very grateful for what they can do...a friend I made at the rehab centre who had exactly the same injury as me has remained paralysed from the neck down and has very little quality of life. So we who can be active again are lucky beyond words...

Enjoy every second of being active, just walking again is a huge achievement.Muscle strength will take years to build up again to a decent level, so as hard as it is, be patient with yourself and be positive about every small achievement.

Be kind to yourself,many never come back from these injuries, never mind ride again.Everybody is different but I found the key was to be very positive and proud of every little step I made.If the mind is strong and appreciates how lucky we are to be active again, the body will follow. We can't compare to how we were before, that's not a realistic comparison and is unfair on ourselves.We might not be as physically capable but we can be mentally stronger with a more positive outlook

Hope this helps your friends.