

Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I bruise ridiculously easily. I get bruises and I don't even know how I've got them. I get bruises on my legs, my arms, my hands, my feet, even my boobs..... I've even had a bruises under my fingernails without knowing how they've got there.

So how come, when I manage to fall off my 16.3hh onto tarmac, thanks to a rogue goat jumping out of a hedge at the exact moment we passed it (seriously, you couldn't have written it) I have NOTHING to show for it. Not even one tiny bruise. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I wasn't hurt, but it's such a good story I was hoping for a decent bruise to have to explain to people!

No goat, horses or riders (other than a sore thumb) were hurt in the making of this story.


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Haha I've had this! I've had whopping falls and been convinced I'd get a cracker of a bruise and nothing.

But two days ago I walked into the corner of our letterbox that was sticking out coz it had a newspaper jammed in it and I look like I've been bitten by a very venomous snake...!


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14 July 2001
N. Ireland
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I fell off baby connie last week straight into an arena fence, and was hoping for a couple of spectacular bruises, but nothing :(



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31 August 2011
Northern Ireland
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I have the most ridiculous bruise on my thigh - big, purple and rather sore. Couldn't figure out where it came from until I realised it must be from when one of my dad's dogs jumped on me... French bulldog
28 February 2011
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I'm the same, bruise easily at the aligates to of things but not a mark when I do something spectacular!

The best bruise I got was when a horse bit me square across my ribs! That was a sore one! Turned into the shape of a love heart and stayed for weekd!


Well-Known Member
11 March 2013
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I bruise ridiculously easily. I get bruises and I don't even know how I've got them. I get bruises on my legs, my arms, my hands, my feet, even my boobs..... I've even had a bruises under my fingernails without knowing how they've got there.

So how come, when I manage to fall off my 16.3hh onto tarmac, thanks to a rogue goat jumping out of a hedge at the exact moment we passed it (seriously, you couldn't have written it) I have NOTHING to show for it. Not even one tiny bruise. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I wasn't hurt, but it's such a good story I was hoping for a decent bruise to have to explain to people!

No goat, horses or riders (other than a sore thumb) were hurt in the making of this story.

Not sure when you had your goat moment - but it can sometimes be a couple of days before these bruises appear - you may not be disappointed yet!


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Not sure when you had your goat moment - but it can sometimes be a couple of days before these bruises appear - you may not be disappointed yet!

Yesterday lunchtime - they may well appear soon I suppose, but I don't really have any tender spots either that often turn into bruises with me...which is good. I do feel like I've overdone it massively in the gym though, all through my core muscles, back and shoulders. Nobody can see that though :mad:

Am going to pop into the yard the goat was at this evening. It was tethered in the hedge (not a very thick hedge, more like a verge with lots of plants) but the tether was long enough for it to jump into the road. Had we been a car, it would have gone splat.


Well-Known Member
10 November 2011
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Welcome to my permanent world! I rarely bruise so when i have a mega incident I rarely have anything to show for my pain, it's very frustrating 😂 My old boy flipped me over his head and galloped over me (on my legs and arms) and NOTHING to show for it!! Broken ribs, fractured skull, broken foot.....NOTHING to show!!!! You have my sympathy 😂
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7 October 2010
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give it time!
a few weeks back i made a complete dick of myself showing off my non existant mountain bike skills . i was riding along a skinny(tree on its side cut in half) i lost concentration and decided to try and make it look like i had jumped off and not fallen. it resulted in me flat out on the floor with a bike on top of me and covered in mud and blood.
After i got over the initial shock/embarassment i consoled myself with the promise of a huge bruise and how rock hard i would look when i showed it off. you i was really dissapointed at first. it was in the end splendid and long lasting. .. i evan went swimming just to show it off!


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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Isn't it typical!
I bruise fairly easily apparently as I never remember what they are from.
The best bruise I ever had was a kick to my thigh. I was so disappointed it wasn't a place I could show people 😂 It was amazing but I'm certainly not one to pull my jeans down willingly


Well-Known Member
3 November 2010
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At least I'm not the only one! I have sooo many bruises on my legs and arms that I have no idea how I got them, but I had 16.1 horse fall on top of me and we skidded along the ground with him on top of one of my legs- nothing (scratched the saddle but not my leg). I've been kicked in the ribs by a running 16hh+ (fly bucked when running past me) and couldn't breathe properly for months (suspected broken rib but I avoid A&E at all costs!) you could see the muddy hoof print on my coat but not a single mark on my skin! Glad you are ok though!


Well-Known Member
29 May 2017
At the yard
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I don't bruise at all usually. Which is good because my mum doesn't know I've had a fall so she doesnt worry. Having said that I had a wheelie bin I was soaking h at in fall on me yesterday and have a large purple bruise on my thigh. Mum thought cobbus had kicked.


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29 August 2017
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Ha I feel your pain. I bruise like a peach at the slightest touch and spend my life looking like a battered wife, but when I have a spectacular fall nothing!!!