BSJA and lesson report! + pics


Well-Known Member
29 March 2005
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Firstly i had a lesson on Thursday and afetr watching the video mum took back there is a real improvement.

We are trying to get him working much more "uphill" and keep his head up a bit more otherwise he just bears down on you.

Did lots and lots of downwards transitions too which he tends to dive into. Cue some very tough riding from me and being very very positive and a fair few smacks of the schooling whip!

Did lots of canter as well just trying to keep his head up at the moment, again to stop him diving foward and keep pushing him foward all the time but not letting him get long- instructor said he was much improved so thats good!

Yesterday went BSJA- it was outside this time and decided just to do the 1m. Went in first and he flew round and jumped a lovely clear.

Most of the class then went clear so i had to wait last in the scorching heat to go last in the JO. We had both falledn asleep by this poinst and he just clipped the 1st fence, jumped the second nicely then gave him a smack over no.3 which woke him up and we went a bit faster than i was planned and jumped the rest clear so 4 faults and they were big by this point!

There were only 2 clears in the JO and lots of people had more than 2 fences down so i was really pleased- think i would have been 7th if i had been a member. Really pleased with him.

Off xc schooling this afternoon to try a few bits out!





