BSJA report - can see why you eventers think it's boring!!


Well-Known Member
17 May 2007
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Went to Doncaster horse of the year show today at the Northern Racing College – doesn’t that sound posh!! Apart from the Doni bit!! I went there two years ago and things didn’t go well, I fell off for about the millionth time that season… then got told off on the way home for “not having the right attitude for it”, so I was a bit nervous, just cos because of bad memories.

Anyway, got there, ground was great, spoke to a mate who said the course wasn't riding well!! Her horse got 4 faults in the Newcomers at a show I was at the other week, but she'd had a stop and a few down in the BN today!! So I got a bit worried!! Got my nunber down early in the Discovery, he warmed up ok but didn't seem that interested. Went in and they were still re-building a jump from the last person so I had to wander round for a bit, he got really excited and strong!!

Off we went and it was just one of those rounds - we didn't meet anything right and I rode like a bag of shite!!!
Badger was trying for me though, we just made a complete Bodge of one line - upright, 4 strides to a one stride double, he made up far too much distance on the four strides and he was too close to the first part of the double, so had the front pole. So we finished on 4, but I wasn't that happy with it.
Turned out everyone else found it hard too, there were about 40 in it and only 4 clears!! So we ended up 6th with second fastest 4 faults - entry fee back so that cheered me up!!

Onto 1.05 open, seemed a nicer course and I was quite confident, looked much less scary than NC!!!
He jumped really well but was in cocky fast mode and was just eating up the ground in related distances - and there were a lot of them!!! We ended up with 8 faults, but he went well so I was pleased.

Then decided I'd go for a nice canter round the field... which was huge inside the all weather gallops - and got told off - ooooppps!!!!

So, eventers, Icansee why you think it's boring!! We seem to have 4 (or 8!!
) faultitis at the moment... and it is a bit dull!! At least with eventing you have a blast XC... even if you are not gonna get placed!

Boring post - thanks for reading!! I do love my horse!!


Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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So, eventers, Icansee why you think it's boring!! We seem to have 4 (or 8!!
) faultitis at the moment... and it is a bit dull!! At least with eventing you have a blast XC... even if you are not gonna get placed!

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Dont bet on it. Get eliminated SJ or more than 24 faults and you dont get to do the bit we all event for
I know this only too well from this weekend.