build up of muscle after injury


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26 July 2006
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our 13 year old IDXTB mare started to have problems a over a year ago commencing with symptoms of a sore neck did not like you touch her head or neck would flinch to the side
her eyelids would flutter like a spasm type thing this happened also when riding her she would also stretch her neck to the ground and she bolted when asked to canter in a circle, when lunged would turn her head out opposite side to rein lunged on,she had a period of rest and bute,but not much change myvet then thought she was a head shaker which i was never happy with,I think she injured herself pulling a shoe off on the fence damaged a ligament?a year and few months on she is hacking out trotting and cantering small jumps she was checked out by another vet who thought
it may be slight kissing spine in the wither area,she is on cortaflex and has stayed sound without the spasms but she panics if asked to canter on right lead in a circle still and leaps into canter her ,muscle is built up on one side and I feel she is working crooked but much more settled in herself than she was ,she never shows signs of lameness has had all the usual checks teeth ,saddle, bit,good farrier as last one was taking feet back very short for such a big mare.any advice.or thoughts please, or similar experience. thanks


Well-Known Member
26 June 2006
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I recently asked about equissage on here and fromt he positive response, I bought one. My horse is a different horse and I can't recommend it enough. Try a free demo and get a free massage, it's bound to help. gd luck


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12 January 2006
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If your vet hasn't recommended further investigations / scans for the problem I'd suggest getting a McTimoney chiro, my mare had hips and atlas that were unlevel (we think due to a fall as a youngster) and had caused her to muscle up on one side and not the other, 3 months and 4 treatments later she is a different horse much more level and although she still has a better rein i think many horses do and she still improves with every treatment


Well-Known Member
17 January 2006
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I agree get an properly qualified equine oesteopath or chiropractor (too many people playing at this unqualified these days!) works wonders for my horse, I now get him checked every 6 months as a matter of course just to confirm he is ok, gives you much more confidence when you are riding them knowing there is nothing wrong. Don't know where you are based but if it is kent or Surrey I can let you have the names of a couple of very decent practitioners who look after my horse