Building new yard- type of indoor/outdoor stables?


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6 December 2012
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Can anybody remember reading the letters in H&H between about aug to nov this year? Comments about stables that had an indoor regular sized room with normal bedding and horses wearing outdoor rugs all the time because the stables also had an outdoor room that they could choose to stand out in. They would be able to see and touch their neighbours over the railings along the outside row so very good for a natural way of keeping them happy and relaxed.

One person wrote another letter saying that this method was always traditionally used in ?? Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands??? Especially good for dressage horses or recuperating horses, and for keeping their lungs clear, that the horses preferred to spend just about all the time outside by choice, and that the deep bedding was hardly ever dirty because the horses staled outside -so very economical.

can anybody offer any information regarding this system or recommend online sites to visit, or even tell me which country uses this system traditionally. we are planning a new yard (lucky!) from scratch and I liked the sound of this.

Thanks to anyone who can help.


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6 December 2012
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Oh thank you! What a great picture! I will show it to my husband - it was so hard to explain something I didn't really know anything about!

I welcome even more information that may be out there.....


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20 June 2006
The Best Shire
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Although this system is lovely for the horses in my experience it's a lot harder work than having regular stables. I had stables with this system and found they drag most of the bedding outside so it gets wet and you have to throw it away, and it's very messy, plus I found with 6 different ponies and horses that they ALL pooed inside the stable, not outside! Also they would be pretty much dirty all the time from being outside. Would not do it again.

I'm just building a new yard and have gone with 14' x 14' stables with windows to the outside, and an all-weather pen each which they'll be put in each day in winter.

Just my experience of the system you're talking about, it really isn't that great at all.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2011
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I think this idea is lovely esp if there's lots of bad weather as still allows a bit of turnout without wreaking fields. If I had the opportunity I would try and incorporate a 'yard' area for each stable if it was possible. Think it would suit my girl very well as she doesn't like staying in for bad weather!


Well-Known Member
8 August 2010
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I have seen a few different variations of the system and the best one is with a large step (to stop the bedding getting dragged out etc) plus you dont have the bedding right upto the door, the step has to be a few inches high but it saves the bedding and mess etc...

Instead of doors there have been a few places with the plastic strips that hang down and the horses walk through them but then again there is no way to lock them in if needs be


Well-Known Member
1 October 2009
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Really interesetd to read this and also see the picture. Is there bedding outside the stable as well?
Have seen big cattle courts for horses to live in pairs which has worked well - they had freedom to move about not constrained to a stable, good ventilation etc, if I had the money and space would try something similar.


Well-Known Member
22 November 2006
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When I was in Germany, I saw some stabling blocks like this. They had a ridge between stable and outdoor to prevent the bedding getting dragged out. The pens were quite large too, nice for horses who get stuff stood in. Doors there to shut up completely thought. The ground outside was like a bobbly, rubbery sort of surface, so the horses weren't stood out on concrete.

Topaz Tiger

Well-Known Member
15 February 2011
Top end of herts
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Hi I'm just in the process of having this system built.
Our fields are on heavy clay, so in the winter will probably only turnout for half a day.
Our stables are going to be 18x12 with a back door to an 18x12 turnout area. They will have sealed rubber matting that extends into the turnout area, half shavings beds, haylage in hayhutches indoors and hay in hayhutches outdoors....


New User
6 December 2012
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Wow! So much help from so many people.! Are your stables built now, or soon? Maybe you aren't a million miles from us? Perhaps we could view them when they are in use, possibly? We are not in for planning yet.... We are in the midlands, what area are you?