Bummer! Counter canter/flying changes help needed...


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7 January 2006
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I have my first BE novice tomorrow, and have obviously been practising the dressage movements for the last few weeks, with no real problems- her mediums are pretty good, her rein back is a million times better than it was, and he transitions are much sharper. I hadn't practiced much counter canter, as I went through that movement a handful of times on both reins and she was perfect so didn't really feel the need to keep doing it.

However, yesterday I had a dressage lesson, and I went through the main movements in the test. She was brilliant, until we got to the counter canter- she did the loop fine, and was never in risk of breaking to a trot- but on the right rein (her worst) she kept changing when we got to the track!!!

Her flying changes were awsome, and my dressage trainer said dressage pros would kill for them (including herself!), but it isn't what I want her to do! It was hard because I didn't want to tell her off for doing it, as I need her to be good at flying changes for jumping etc. We think the reason she was changing is because it was in an indoor school, and the boards make her back off slightly and change, whereas out in an open field she doesn't do it.

We went back through the movement today, in an open field, and she changed again
I think she has got it in her head now that she is to change instead of staying on the same leg, even though we ended yesterdays session with 3 good counter canters...I am gutted, but have decided not to push it, if she changes tomorrow then theres not a lot I can do, but I was wondering if anyone had any tips for the long run, so I can do better in the future?

Have tried all sorts of exercises such as shallow loops along the long side in canter, but she still sodding changed! My trainer said I don't put enough weight to the right, but even with a near on perfect position from me she threw in the odd change.

Any ideas? I know I wont be able to find a quick fix by tomorrow, but I want to work on it for my next novice. Thanks


Well-Known Member
19 July 2004
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Do your best to keep some counter bend, and keep nudging her with your outside leg well behind the girth...thats all I can offer... Good luck.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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We have the same problem with my sister's pony, it's taken nearly a year of cantering shallow loops, making her lie very difficult when she does them and sheer patience on Al's behalf to even halfway persuade her not to! Unfortunately, this pony does them for fun- when she's showjumoign and there's a long stectch before a jum she'll do a couple just for kicks!
8 May 2009
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i think your problem is with her balance in her right canter. she is probably slow on her right hind as is escaping by changing leg as she finds this easy. the first thing you must do is make sure you have control of both sides of your horse. use leg yeild excercises in a zig zag across the school changing from one direction to the other in trot then canter. if she changes bring her back to the trot, then reestablish the right canter. also try asking for right canter on the left rein without coming across the diagonal. this will check to see wether you are controling which lead you get and not the horse taking the lead it thinks it should. like you said this is not a quick fix but it should help and remember not to use your body weight to much to influence which bend/lead your horse takes.