Pictures Busting!

Accidental Eventer

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5 April 2017
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I jumped the horses last night, and young Henry usually loves it. He is light on his feet, sporty and scopey. Last night he was just not his normal self... slow, heavy in my hand, putting in really minimal effort. I was starting to get really worried there was something wrong. He felt sound though and was working well on the flat. It was just really odd.

I hopped off at the end of our ride and he immediately had a huge wee. He was there for ages. Sorry buddy, I wouldn't want to jump with a full bladder either!


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14 August 2011
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Haha. Only time one of my previous horses ever struggled sj he needed a big wee! Very uncharacteristic of him so i was worried but that’s all it was. He never wee’d when he was out and would hold it till he got home so he must have been bursting!


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3 February 2013
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I once had a lesson first thing in the morning on my old share horse, before he'd been turned out. He spent the first half backward and evasive and really not wanting to work. Eventually, he gave in and had a massive wee - and then he was his usual bouncy self. He really liked his routine, and his routine was that his morning wee was in his field!


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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When I rode other people's horses I rode one that was famed for being difficult, but had passed numerous vet checks.

This particular day I rode him he was fine on one rein but on the other it felt like he would chuck me off. I changed back and forth a couple of times, but defo happy one rein and not the other.

Because I reasoned that changing the rein would not changer the horse's character without pain being involved I did a few minutes on the rein he felt fine on and took him in to explain to the owner that I was not continuing riding as I felt he was in pain.

As soon as we were in the stable, the horse lifted his tail and did the biggest fart you ever did hear. It was not explosive, but went on for about 5 minutes. Non stop. Just a single trumpet note that went oooooooooooooooon and onnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Poor horse, must have had several cubic feet of air in there. It was literally minutes. Non stop.

He was retired from work shortly after and is happily retired still, many years later.


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13 November 2010
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I took Alf to Chbham Common last year - fully prepared to take my life in my hands. He was an absolute dog all the way round - wouldn't even trot, never mind leap around, buck and bog off, which was what I had expected!
Got back to the box, and as soon as we closed the ramp, he had the longest wee I've ever witnessed - there was a river flowing down the road! I was VERY tempted to get back on and try again!


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Monty will not wee anywhere but the field. He comes in overnight and will hold onto it until he goes out. About a year ago, I was doing dressage and it was a terrible test - he was backwards, spooky, grumpy and generally uncooperative. The second I put him back on the trailer he did a massive wee. The poor thing must have been absolutely desperate to not wait til he got back to the field. By the time he'd finished, there was a river flowing through the car park. Arch is the total opposite. He'll hold up traffic to have a wee in the middle of the road if he wants one!


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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I have to go through a routine rigmarole before I work Tammy for this very reason. I bring her in (she lives out) for a half hour munch on a hay net whilst she's wearing her equilbrium massage pad. Then I remove the haynet and the massage pad, and sometime in the next half hour or so she will do a wee and a poo.

THEN she's ready to be worked :rolleyes:.


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4 January 2018
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I sometimes ride a pony like that... won't do ANYTHING before his done his wee no matter where he has come from, field or stable... as soon as he enters the school won't move until his wee is done :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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A friend's cob will use it as an evasion. He stops about 10 times in the first 15 minutes of a lesson pretending to want a wee, assumes the position for a minute to have a rest then carries on. Once the first 15 mins are over he works normally. Very occasionally he will actually wee, but you always know when he's serious as his tail swishes. If it's still, you know he's taking the pee (no pun intended :D)


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22 August 2006
Callington, Cornwall
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I always put mine in their stables now before grooming/tacking up so they can have a wee (if they want) before riding, rather than tying straight up in the yard. I found my mare always goes straight in for a wee when i bring her in even if its just to be stabled at night so at least i know she's not 'needing a wee' whilst out riding!


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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A friend's cob will use it as an evasion. He stops about 10 times in the first 15 minutes of a lesson pretending to want a wee, assumes the position for a minute to have a rest then carries on. Once the first 15 mins are over he works normally. Very occasionally he will actually wee, but you always know when he's serious as his tail swishes. If it's still, you know he's taking the pee (no pun intended :D)

One of mine used to do that. I didn't see it as evasion but didn't know the reason. Once he went onto prascend it stopped completely. He then only stopped and spread his legs if he really wanted to do it.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Definitely an evasion with him - only ever in lessons, never out hacking or just schooling. I think it started when he really did need a wee once but couldn't quite get comfy enough and he realised he didn't get hassled to move on if he stood like that so as long as he assumed the position, he could have a rest!


3 May 2007
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My first lusitano didnt pee under saddle for the first couple of years-until we were doing such long hacks that at one point he had to. He looked amazed the first time! after that there was no stopping him, he once did it as we headed a queue of cars waiting at road work traffic lights. on the road. didnt know where to look especially as he held everyone up for another light change :D (it was rural, they were very nice about it lol).


Well-Known Member
13 August 2013
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I'm trying to encourage mine to wee on command for this very reason. If I see them start to assume the position, I start whistling, and as soon as they wee, they get a pony nut or a polo. I'm hoping that I'll eventually be able to encourage them to wee by whistling, eg once unloaded after a journey to a competition.


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1 February 2016
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When younger our ponies were subject to a Saturday of fun and games... which often included long hacks. On a particular Saturday my cob at the time had been on a hack for a few hours then we were on the yard bathing and plaiting the horses and he would not stand still. Normally he would stand for hours and be fussed but that day he was fidgeting and swishing his legs around. As we led them back to the field the first bit of grass he touched he started to wee along with a very loud groan!! Poor boy had been holding it in all day

Accidental Eventer

Well-Known Member
5 April 2017
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So pleased I'm not the only one! Coolie on the other hand will not wee if you are close to him. He will hold it until he feels his privacy is being respected, even if he's busting.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2017
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A friend's cob will use it as an evasion. He stops about 10 times in the first 15 minutes of a lesson pretending to want a wee, assumes the position for a minute to have a rest then carries on. Once the first 15 mins are over he works normally. Very occasionally he will actually wee, but you always know when he's serious as his tail swishes. If it's still, you know he's taking the pee (no pun intended :D)

We had a ridng school pony who used to do that! We eventually cottoned on he was just being evasive.
Mine used to wee a lot when I rode him but he doesn't so much any more, he seems to prefer weeing on the concrete yard now?? never really got that! And sometimes in the field just before I turn him out, I often think 'couldn't you have waited until i'd got you in your section rather than making me wait!'

My old pony would very very rarely wee with me on, I could tell when he wanted to go as he'd shuffle round and look uncomfortable so i'd have to take him to some grass. He would never go on concrete! He also, in the 10 years I had him, NEVER pooed in the school. Always waited until he was back in his stable of tied on the yard. I like to think he was saving me a job :)