Busy Old Time Here!!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Hello everyone,

Hope all is well with you guys and you are enjoying the summer and all it has to offer. What has been going on and any updates on how your horses are all going would be nice to hear.

Well we have had an absolute bumper crop of 1st cut hay this year. Our "huge" new hay barn appears to be not as huge as we thought - it is bulging at the seams and we haven't been able to store all the round bales in it. We have absolutely no room for any second cut small square bales. The round bale hay barn is full to the brim and we are having to consider using the massive barn which we keep our tack in to store the next batch of hay. I have a number of large orders for the selling small squares so hoping to start shipping it out next week. The hay has taken us a good month to get baled and in the barn but we can take a break for a month before it all happens all over again......what joy!!

The trail riding is soooo busy - I am having a blast doing it and am getting such a lot of repeat business. I really do enjoy doing it and I think I must be so fit now LOL!!

I have 10 boarders at the moment although some are horses that I sold last month who are boarding here until they move to their new homes in Sept/October.

I sold Zippy (the brown and white Paint) to the most wonderful family. He settled in no problem and they are thrilled to bits with him.

Cody (the black horse with the stunning white legs and spashes) lis sold to a really lovely woman.

Dakota the chunky little mare (brown with 4 white stockings and white splash on quarters), mother of Skipper the foal is sold and will be moving to her new home next month. I hadn't advertised her and wasn't really planning on selling her however a lady came to the farm and just fell in love with her, so good home won over in the end.

I bought a small Spotty Horse - his name is Shabian's Sureshot and he is almost identical to big Spotty Horse!! He is 6 years old and is 15hh and he is a perfect beginners horse. He has already done 8 trail rides and I've only had him for 2 weeks. He is a dream of a horse and I really really like him!!

The horses all sold for good money and this has allowed us to do more things on the farm, so am happy with that. I'm going to start looking for a couple at the end of the summer to bring on over the winter and then sell on next summer as this sort of return is quite a bonus to us.

Cloud is almost 3 months pregnant and we saw her scan - not much to see really as foal was too big - more of a big black bubble!

I have given Red to one of my boarders and he is on permanent loan to her now. He is a lovely guy but was not getting much opportunity to go out so had to keep him here and one of my boarders jumped at the chance of having him.

All the other horses are well and looking fantastic.

So what has been happening on here lately? Any new horse purchases? Anyone sold any?


Well-Known Member
21 February 2006
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Hey Tia, sounds like you've been busy. We've been mostly taking about Only Fools on Horses, SN's bitten boob, the return of Tippy and Taffy, and what people are going to wear to the polo this weekend!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Hi Tia,

Lovely to hear from you, sounds as if it's been all go for you. Pleased to hear that everything is going so well with the hay and the trail rides, looking forwards to seeing pictures (please) of your new spotty horse.

Things with me are hectic, OH has a one way ticket booked for the end of August
We have an offer on the house (but it's not sold until the £'s are in the bank is it?). OH is flying over next week house hunting (maybe me too, but it's awkward). Just finalising Finn's plane seat now. Other than that I'm just running around in pointless circles, chucking away a lifetime of rubbish and making (and losing) endless lists. I have more questions for you (sorry) but will PM you.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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WOW you have been busy indeed.

Very good to hear all is working out perfectly over there for you guys - and the horses sound lovely too

My news.... I have my own little yard now which i rent off an International SJer's mum - so shes helping me with my SJing

I have my trainers horse to get fit. Winston is well and clipped for the first time ever in the summer - its hanging around SJers!!! thats done it lol

Bertie is well and having a new lease of life with a trainee vet who is living in the village so shes riding him

I have another horse who belongs to Mary Anne Trevor Roper who will return to them end of August.

Not long until my holiday to WEG... umm went for a VIP day at the RIHS yesterday and off to the singletons polo on sunday

Apart from that, sun is shining, working hard, needing a holiday and everything is pretty hunky dorey lol

Look forward to hearing more from across the pond.



Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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LOL!! Sounds interesting/exciting!! Not made it into the Soapbox yet. Poor SN - never nice to have a partial mastectomy forced upon you!!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Oh PM away - more than happy to help.

Life has been busy, not complaining though. Last year the hay yield was dismal owing to no rain for 4 months!! We have already made in excess of both cuts last year in just one this year.

I still have to wonder what in the heck gave us the silly idea of buying a hay farm though - I still detest stacking hay!

It all sounds so exciting for you - I'm sure you have a few nerves darting all over the place - pretty normal for a mammoth move like this. Things will be fine though so don't worry. Did you decide to go with Pedens in the end? Is Finn flying into Canada or the States? Peden will really look after you and Finn, so at least that is one thing you can relax about.

Dying to meet you finally!! First trip once you are settled is to get your butt up here!!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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I have a real warm glow buzzing through me on reading your post - you REALLY deserve it all. You have worked so hard for this day and I hope that it all goes from strength to strength for you.

VIP days are always good! Makes you feel terrific!

Glad to hear horses are all well.......clipping in summer LOL!!! These SJers have a lot to answer for......


Well-Known Member
9 February 2005
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howdy you!!!!

going great guns i see...well done!!

new spotty sounds fab...any piccies.....

hope you and megan are well???

i've bought a newbie to sell on...little grey and white cob...lovely little chap....

sold the foal...gone to brighton...

mother back in work...getting ready to sell on.....

usual rubbish going on around here...he said she said.....bitching....stupid posts/replies.....same sh*t different day!!!

suffice to say..you're in the right place!!!!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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Hello Tia! We're all fine here!

Cob Blob is going out in a different style of plait every day (sweaty gonk! LOL) & seems to be enjoying being a hairdresser's model/giant dolly! He has been in 'best behaviour' mode recently & is coming along really well!
Fat Orange One & Little Black One are coping with the heat & the flies pretty well & Small White Useless One has discovered it is possible to be sat on and be able to walk at the same time, bless her!

Spotty Retarded One is an 'unrideable' 9 year old that belongs to our YO, that middle daughter is helping to back! (Nobody has ever stayed on long enough to call him 'backed'!)
She has sat on him & been led around, despite him looking like he's going to explode at any moment - spins on the spot like a whirling dervish & gawps boggle-eyed at almost everything, has the manners of a pig & a permanent wild-eyed stare! Ooh err!
MD wants to buy him - I don't - he's a right nitwit & seems to have a bloomin' screw loose somewhere - or he's a total retard - or both!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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LOL!!! How I have missed your posts!!

So are there piccies of your little spotty? He sounds great actually - bundle of fun!

Will try and get a piccy of my little spotty horse at some point - he is very good looking and I really think I am becoming partial to them.....


Well-Known Member
25 September 2005
somewhere in pasty land
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Hello Tia.It sounds like you are VERY busy and enjoying every minute of it??.Your new purchase sound lovely!.

All very quiet here in Rema land.Got a show on sunday.My tack is in need of a major clean but thats normal for me.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Hey JM!!!!! Sounds like you are doing great too.....and sounds like I'm not the only one busy!!

How did your move go? Did you sell the house etc??

No piccies I'm afraid, haven't had a chance to take the camera out for a walk for some time LOL!! Will get round to it soon though. The little spotty is a VERY handsome boy and is proving to be one of my best trail horses!! He is just perfect and everyone has fallen in love with him...not unsentimental me of course, but I do like him a lot, LOL!!

Nice to hear that nothing changes on here
. Catching up on all of these posts I found it quite odd being an "outsider" viewing the writings on here........very enlightening, everyone should try it sometime.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Rema Land sounds a teeny bit like Tia Land - I have absolutely no idea when I last cleaned any tack!! I have this awful feeling it was back in November last year
!! Thankfully western tack doesn't really require to be cleaned
. It just gets dustier and dustier!

Good luck at your show and hope to see some nice red rosettes coming home with you!


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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I'm with you on stacking hay! Not much happening here, but we are having glorious weather so naturally as soon as it rains there are tales of flash floods in the news, and our power goes off. As there are literally thousands of new houses being built all over the place there is nowhere for the water to go. Talking of water, instead of a holiday this year we have built an above ground pool, but haven't used it yet because we have yet to receive a ladder that is complete or not broken. Bit frustrating as we are roasting and pool is warm and waiting! Mac is working on an alternative method of access, I just hope I don't end up stranded in there... Morgan is turning out to be a truly wonderful dog, little bit slow to learn but very willing! How is Daisy? Glad to hear Cloud is ok. A Spring baby - how well organised! Lyall is buying a flat and moving out - he may be ready, not sure I am... Ponies are fine, Toffee becoming more mellow (for her) and Beano steadily enlarging. He is an opportunistic roller, we had some rain yesterday for the first time in weeks and all you could see was a dark brown horse-shaped object peering out of one shiny eye! Out with the hose, successfully transferring mud from him to me. Loads of trivial stuff happening, which is just the way I like my life! Can't be doing with major dramas. Thanks for the update - you were pretty fit before you left, I dread to think what shape you are in now!


Well-Known Member
30 October 2005
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Hello stranger

Was thinking of you the other day and wondering where you were!

Can't say what's happening at mine, seem to get into bother with someone who likes to wind me up.....

Gee gees come and go, on the lookout for a couple more.
Dogs, kids, horses ok.
Have a pony on loan (in piccy gallery) until we get sorted. Getting a new girl next week, (fingers x'ed it goes ok) will post pics when she arrives.

Glad you are doing well!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Hey Sooty, nice to hear your update.

Are the houses being built in the field next door to you?

You are soo lucky to have your pool! We were looking at getting ours this summer but still no further forward - it is a definite must though, so will be on the cards for next year. Sounds like you guys are having weather like us and pools are really the only way to totally cool down in this sort of heat. Hope you enjoy it once you get your steps.

Aw Daisy is also turning into one of those "once in a lifetime" dogs. She is absolutely wonderful and I adore her. She is just the happiest dog ever and constantly smiles and cries when we come home. She is just lovely and even hubby is so totally taken with her. Morgan is a beautiful dog and I am not surprised she has turned into a super dog too. Is Wurzel still ticking along nicely too? Poppy has another new lease on life - she has stopped coming out riding with us thank goodness. She hasn't come for at least a couple of months now although I think she may come again once the weather cools down. It's actually quite nice not having her with me (I know that sounds awful) but she is sooo slow now that all we can ever do is walk when she comes with us. With Daisy and Lily we can gallop along and they still keep up.

Lyle is moving out
!! My god your house is going to be so quiet. How is Troggy? No plans for her to fly the nest? Nah she knows where her bread is buttered

Lovely to hear about the horses. How big is Beano now? Still as stunning I presume. Really pleased all is going well - send my best wishes to the family.


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21 January 2004
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*slaps hand*

. Old news now though.

Yes Ezzy covered her on the 1st May so baby will be a Spring one. We are so excited and hoping that all goes well. Cloud is doing just fine and seems to be taking life a bit more quietly. Meg takes things very easy with her and really spends most of her time painting Clouds feet and lovingly grooming her for hours on end....something Cloud adores!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Hi JJ!!!

Seems you and me are always on the look out for more neddies.....seems to be the main part of my life at times. And wow aren't these super-neddies difficult to find when you are searching and yet there seems to be tonnes when you aren't!

Still nosy beggars following you around....phew! must get a bit tedious at times! You'd think these folks would find something more interesting to do with their lives..........


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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No, touch wood so far no houses near us, but once the village bypass is finished who knows what may happen? Used the pool for the first time last night despite bodged up and slightly wobbly steps, absolutely magical! You must definitely get one. So lovely and peaceful, and although 18' diameter a decent depth and reasonable size to actually swim in. Troggy was horrified when I mentioned we were naked...
Proper step fixings should arrive on Tuesday, until then it is dicing with death - or a drop onto paving slabs from a height of 52". Wurzel is ok thanks, but as well as being blind she is now pretty deaf and is losing her sense of smell, so getting around is now quite hard for her. She never used to bump into things, but now she does. We have said we will assess her situation after the summer, as she loves lying in the sun and adores the warmer weather. I am glad Poppy is ok, I know how attached you are to her. Yes, the house will be incredibly quiet when Lyall moves, but Troggy assures me she isn't moving until she is at least 30! Even if she did the chances are the horses would remain here, so she'd be back. Just like Arnie... I have no idea how big Beano is now, must measure him again soon. His arse is a lot bigger than anything else though, and apparently they don't mature properly until they are 5 or 6, so I have no idea how he is going to turn out. Lovely to hear from you, I am really glad things are working out so well for you. You really seem to have found your niche in life, well done for taking the gamble. Love to all!


Well-Known Member
23 April 2005
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hello tia!!

Crikey it sounds hectic at your place!!! Glad you're doing so well though. As soon as you get 5mins you'll have to post pics of your new spotty one

All change here too, Becci finally made the decision to sell Spirit. A showing family came and fell in love with him and bought him there and then!! So he's now gone
I am pretty sad about it but it was her decision and she wanted to concentrate on her education etc...(thats what she says, she's been out clubbing at every given opportunity!! LOL)
Glen had a nasty kick in the field and has been lame
So he's having some time off to heal, taking much longer now he's officially an old fart!!

Hattie has bought herself a new pony, Louis. He is gorgeous, he seems too good to be true and I am really liking him!! He's 14.2 bay welsh cob with 4 whites and a blaze, 6yrs old. Took him showjumping on Wednesday (she's had him a week) and he won the novice class for her!! She loves him to pieces and I like him cos he's quiet but still has some omph!! Cant wait to take him hunting

Me? I've enrolled at college and will be going to uni in 2007!!!
I am very scared but decided that I cant sit around on my arse all day it'll kill me so I need to do something until little ones are at school!


Well-Known Member
19 March 2004
Hi Tia,

Glad to hear all is well with you!! Not alot strange or exciting, Ive been to a few comps and Ive won!! I won the Primary SJ at the National RC festival in June, and won the National JumpX last weekend (only 9 in that class though, there was 50 in the SJ one in June) I also came third in the RC horse class at the festival, and 3rd in the National Le Trec last weekend! Got a lovely rug with National Winner on it last weekend too!!

JumpX photos are here

And festival photos are here

If you want to take a look.

Yo is back in hospital (she was kinda out, but I was still running the place) so shes back in about a month now I think.

No other news, glad all is well with you and yours, and Im thrilled about Cloud!!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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I'm so pleased to hear that your life has taken an upward move - lots of exciting things coming your way in the next few months. Take the bull by the horns is my motto - we only live once, so make the best of it.......looks like you are and I am so happy for you.

Are you any closer to finalising the getting rid of the old smelly fart?