Buying a new pony, dilema...

pony club mom

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8 August 2012
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I am desperately looking for a new pony for my 9 year old daughter who sadly lost her beloved pony a few weeks ago. She wants to jump so am looking for a good PC/Jumping pony - I have seen one that seems to fit the bill but it is "unregistered". Whilst we don't want to show it, I am worried about it's value when we eventually want to sell it. The current price is top dollar and is on par with other top jumping ponies that are registered. Am i right to be concerned or am I likely to miss out on a good pony for no real reason?????

pony club mom

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8 August 2012
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His passport was lost when he was young - he now has a replacement passport, but with no dam/sire, so his exact date of birth is missing as is his breed. Consequently he is not registered with a breed society. Whilst he is ok to enter jumping classes etc, you wouldn't be able to show in breed classes, e.g. M&M....I think!

be positive

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9 July 2011
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Do you mean it is not a registered breed as that should make no difference to either its value, unless you want to show, or its ability, many good ponies are not a recognized breed, if you mean it has not done BS yet check it has done plenty of PC get references from the DCs and really do your research to make sure it is the right pony for your daughter.
With the right pony you can add value or at least keep its value, a good PC pony will always sell.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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No you are eight you wouldn't be able to show in M&M classes but you can do open working hunter pony and any jumping classes

If you look at a catalogue from HOYS or another big show you'll find that most of the entries in the jumping classes have 'unknown' next to the Sire and Dam and an awful lot have breed unknown even those ponies jumped by children of our show jumping household names so if I was looking for a jumping pony it wouldn't worry me at all


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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Sorry to hear about your loss.

With respect to the pony being unregistered, it wouldnt worry me, as from your post your daughter wants to do PC/jumping so being registered for that is by the by.

However, i would be concerned about the true age of the pony.
I bought a pony years ago, she was advertised as 13. When i picked her up i didnt check the passport, and only noticed at some point later that it had been changed and age put as unknown. My dentist had a look, and was confident she was definitely older than 13, more like very late teens. Saying that, she was an absolute trooper and we loved her dearly.

But if your worried about resale it might be worth getting a good equine dentist to see if his estimation marries up to what you are being told.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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I wouldn't give it a second thought. Unless you are doing breed classes it doesn't matter. A good pc pony will sell regardless of breeding.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2008
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A showing home wouldn't be looking for a pc/jumping pony anyway.
A decent pc pony will always command decent money once its proved its worth, so I would go look.