By popular request. How to use Quotes.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I've seen quite a few mangled quotes lately and posts about people needing to learn how to use quote, so I thought I'd write this, Quotes 101.

A quote is a highlighted box that shows in your post. When you create it, it starts [quite] and ends [/quite], only the word in the square brackets is quote, not quite. Any words you write inside those two quote instructions will show like this

This is a quote

You can write or copy any text from anywhere into a quote. You can either type the quote boxes yourself, or highlight the text and use the quote function in the list under ... at the top of the reply box. (For me, that line at the top is sometimes enabled and sometimes not.)

To quote what someone has just posted, press the reply button at the bottom of their post and wait until you see the whole quote plus the [/quite] end appear in your reply. Depending on your line speed this can be quite slow, and if you start inputting before then what you write will end up hidden inside the quote box or even mixed up in the quote.

You can edit what is inside the quote box to reduce it to the bit you want to answer. You can chop the quote up and answer one bit at a time by adding extra [quite][/quite] boxes. Obviously you can also change what was written but you'll be very unpopular if you do! If the writer changes what they wrote after you quoted it, your quote will still show what they originally wrote. This can be handy if people change what they originally said.

If you only want to answer a part of a post, you can highlight it and you will be offered new reply and quote buttons. If you choose reply, your post will automatically fill with that bit of text in quote boxes.

If you want to quote more than one post, then pressing reply on another post while you have the first post quoted in your reply box will add the second, and subsequent posts. You can do this either before you have answered the first one, or after you have put some text in. Be careful where your cursor is before you press reply on the additional quote(s) or things can get jumbled. The new quote will go where your cursor is.

Hope that helps!
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Kipper's Dick

Well-Known Member
29 November 2020
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Thank you, ycbm, that's very helpful. I was trying to quote part of a post the other day and got in a bit of a tangle with it. Gave up on it in the end. And what's more you've given me a good excuse that it might have been to do with a slow line speed at the time (rather than my ineptitude!).


Well-Known Member
26 January 2021
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Thankyou for that, I have to admit I am fairly rubbish with technology. I have tried to post pics as well but it says something about the file being too big or something. Not sure if that is my phone or me being rubbish ?


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
West Mids
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I've seen quite a few mangled quotes lately and posts about people needing to learn how to use quote, so I thought I'd write this, Quotes 101.

A quote is a highlighted box that shows in your post. When you create it, it starts [quite] and ends [/quite], only the word in the square brackets is quote, not quite. Any words you write inside those two quote instructions will show like this

You can write or copy any text from anywhere into a quote. You can either type the quote boxes yourself, or highlight the text and use the quote function in the list under ... at the top of the reply box. (For me, that line at the top is sometimes enabled and sometimes not.)

To quote what someone has just posted, press the reply button at the bottom of their post and wait until you see the whole quote plus the [/quite] end appear in your reply. Depending on your line speed this can be quite slow, and if you start inputting before then what you write will end up hidden inside the quote box or even mixed up in the quote.

You can edit what is inside the quote box to reduce it to the bit you want to answer. You can chop the quote up and answer one bit at a time by adding extra [quite][/quite] boxes. Obviously you can also change what was written but you'll be very unpopular if you do! If the writer changes what they wrote after you quoted it, your quote will still show what they originally wrote. This can be handy if people change what they originally said.

If you only want to answer a part of a post, you can highlight it and you will be offered new reply and quote buttons. If you choose reply, your post will automatically fill with that bit of text in quote boxes.

If you want to quote more than one post, then pressing reply on another post while you have the first post quoted in your reply box will add the second, and subsequent posts. You can do this either before you have answered the first one, or after you have put some text in. Be careful where your cursor is before you press reply on the additional quote(s) or things can get jumbled. The new quote will go where your cursor is.

Hope that helps!
That's really helpful thanks.

I would like to add that I am always editing what I write, but no subterfuge going on. I suppose I should check before I press 'post reply' but I never think to.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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That's really helpful thanks.

I would like to add that I am always editing what I write, but no subterfuge going on. I suppose I should check before I press 'post reply' but I never think to.

Me too. Somehow, I don't spot mistakes as I'm typing but as soon as I hit post, there they are! And being the grammar fascist that I am, my own mistakes bother me far more than anyone else's!


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Thankyou for that, I have to admit I am fairly rubbish with technology. I have tried to post pics as well but it says something about the file being too big or something. Not sure if that is my phone or me being rubbish ?

No, that's cos your picture is too big ?

You might be able to either crop it in size or reduce the quality on your phone. If not, pop it into something else like blogspot or Facebook, long click on the picture and it will allow you to copy the URL, the image location.

Then copy that into your post with [img ] on the front and [/img ] at the end, only no spaces anywhere, and your picture will pop up when you post



Well-Known Member
26 January 2021
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No, that's cos your picture is too big ?

You might be able to either crop it or reduce the quality on your phone. If not, pop it into something else like blogspot or Facebook, long click on the picture and it will allow you to copy the URL, the image location.

Then copy that into your post with [img ] on the front and [/img ] at the end, only no spaces anywhere, and your picture will pop up when you post

Thankyou ybcm, will give that a go!!


Well-Known Member
15 November 2007
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No, that's cos your picture is too big ?

You might be able to either crop it in size or reduce the quality on your phone. If not, pop it into something else like blogspot or Facebook, long click on the picture and it will allow you to copy the URL, the image location.

Then copy that into your post with [img ] on the front and [/img ] at the end, only no spaces anywhere, and your picture will pop up when you post


Ah, this one might help me too. I couldn't seem to make a photo acceptably small enough to post and gave up trying. I might give this a try at some point. Thanks.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I don't know if it's on all android devices, but if I select a picture I then get given an option to do stuff to it like change the lighting and crop it. Usually, I can crop enough that doesn't matter of from round the outside to get it small enough to load directly using the attach files button, but failing that I stick it in an old blogspot blog that I've got and pick up the URL from there.