Cairo Died


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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Saddest post I hope to ever do.

Cairo had a liver infection a few weeks ago. He appeared to come back, bloods were looking good etc and he was looking very well and happy. Vet was happy with is recovery.

4.30 Tuesday afternoon received a call that he had laid down in the field and had great difficulty in getting up and was sweaty and not himself.

Rang vet and then beat world record from central London to Epping on my bike - just under 40 mins with emergency brakes at the cameras.

YO had got him into the school and stayed with him. He looked no where near as bad as last time, was hot and sweaty but his temp was not too bad at 100 and his heart was 50. No fits and odd behaviour like last time.

Whilst waiting for the vet we put cold towels on him and hosed him as his temp went up to 102 and his heart to 72. He was happy to eat salt, sugar and slop. Unfortunately they had three other emergencies and could not get to us until 9.

He laid down at 8 pm and his heart reduced to 60 and his temp to 101. He continued to eat but was very tired.

Vet came out and gave him the injection that last time had him back up within 20 mins. He did try but his back end gave out and on the 2nd attempt he refused and we did not want to try again. Vet said he was exhausted and the muscle enzymes were not right and this would weaken him. She gave him several drugs to help.

We gave him every chance to rally back. We stayed with him all night and turned him every couple of hours - big job for three people. He ate but would not attempt to get up when asked.

We turned him for the last time at 6 am, I fed him at 7.30 and this time I knew he was ready to leave us. Called vet and asked her to come back.

We gave him a huge feed of mix, sugar and polos. When vet came back, it was obvious this time the drugs were not working and now his heart was starting to skip.

At 11.30 yesterday he was given some sedation and he went to sleep with his mouth full of nice food. The injection went well, apart from some huge gasps for about 5 seconds, distressing for us, but he was sound asleep and knew nothing.

Afterwards Andy sat with him and we brought Chancer in. Chancer attempted three times to get him up and the last time he gently groomed him and then walked away and did not look back - broke our hearts to see him do this. Andy then stayed cuddling him until the people came to collect him.

He has been taken away for cremation and we will spread his ashes in his field with family and his friends there and then go to the pub and raise a glass in his memory.

It was a mercy he went as he did - before he got truely old and stiff and we didn't have to make that terrible decision or find him stuck down in the field.

Thank you Tania for letting us have him - we had 8 years of a perfect friend who gave us so much pleasure and love.

Thank you Teresa for your support.

Goodbye big boy, you taught Chancer so well for me and have set him on the road to be nearly as good a horse as you are. You have left a massive hole in our lives which will never be filled and you will be missed always.



Well-Known Member
29 November 2007
North Oxfordshire
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I'm so sorry, that is such sad news. How lovely of you to give Chancer a chance to say goodbye, I've just had to mop tears after reading this.
My thoughts are with you


Well-Known Member
7 January 2008
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I am really sorry to read your post. I am now typing through tears.

I still feel the loss of my horses many years after they have gone.

I can cope much better with dealing with the last moments of my dogs and cats, but the horses just rip me apart.


Well-Known Member
18 January 2006
You've made me cry again.

Thankyou to you and Andy for trusting me to look after him a couple of days a week. I will always remember my first hack in the western tack. He was so comfy I'm not sure how I didn't fall asleep.

RIP big guy.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
North East Suffolk
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So sorry to hear this. What a lovely way for him to go though, surrounded by those who love him and his mouth full of food..

It's so hard to show the friends that their pal has gone, it broke my hear when the others tried to get the deceased one up.

RIP Cairo