Calling all Hunting people


Well-Known Member
26 September 2011
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okay, i am desperate to give hunting a shot. Looks great fun and everyone who has been loves it and soon becomes addicted. I would love to try it but, as i use my parents to transport the horse around in the trialer they will not take me hunting. I would just go with someone else, but after my parents have seen to me i dont think i would live to tell the tail.
They are totally against hunting and the killing. I don't agree with hounds ripping the foxes to shreads either BUT i dont know enough about hunting to comment really.

The people ive spoken to who have hunted say they just set a trail for the hounds and they just follow that? But what happens if they do find a fox? I know there are loads of people who have never seen a fox killed before but what if they do come across one?

i don't want to offend or cause any dispute! Just want you help as to what really goes on hunting and ways i can persuade parents....?:(


Well-Known Member
22 August 2010
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If you go drag hunting there will be no fox killing involved.

Show them some websites such as the East Anglian Bloodhounds so they can see what goes on.

Hunting is great fun, i've only been a few times with the bloodhounds but it is great!

I'm not too knowledgable with the old facts so will let someone else jump in but just tell your parents although it is 'hunting', with a drag hunt or bloodhounds they are only hunting a scent and normally a sweaty runner!


Well-Known Member
11 March 2011
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go drag hunting :) problem solved and absolute fantastic fun :). Its much faster than traditional hunting and its lovely to go with the bloodhounds (following a runner) as the runner just gets licked to death when they catch him :p :).


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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i'd love to hunt aswell (drag as hate the live bait) but neither me nor pony have the stomach for those huuuuuge fences!!

Drag hunts in Cheshire are max height 2ft 6 unless there is a way round. Cheshire Farmers guarantee a way round. NE Cheshire have children and beginner meets with a guaranteed way round several times a year.

In theory WWSTS no fox hunt should be hunting fox with a pack of hounds, but I know of three hunts that friends of mine travel to which do, so you would need to ask around locally if you are adamant that you will not hunt fox.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2005
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Hunts that follow a trail/drag hunt, etc. will state that they do. Therefore you will be quite "safe" following these hunts. They generally have beginner days and/or a non jumping group. Why not find out the local hunt that would be suitable and then ask your parents to go along with you on foot first to see what goes on. You will get a good idea of turnout, etc. and how long the lines are and what sort of fences you come across.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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You and your parent do realise that HUNTING, as it was, is illegal now, and has been for years.

You do know that they are still doing it though, don't you Neil? If you want the evidence, PM me, I'm not prepared to splurge in on a public forum. I am not an anti, these are hunts that friends have invited me to join them on and when I ask "do you hunt fox", because I don't, they say "yes" and I politely decline the invite.