Calmer - limited grazing + increased time in stable


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12 January 2020
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My horse is quite stressy and is not a fan on being stabled all day. As the weather is now turning, he is spending more and more time in his stable and less time in his field.

I can't exercise him loads as I am currently 8 months pregnant and need to be on a livery yard for the support and services whilst I can't do much of it myself. We have a horse walker and I have a friend that can do a little bit with him, once or twice a week.

Does anybody have any recommendations for a supplement to help him relax/take the edge off of him whilst the weather is bad and grazing is limited. He's had ulcers (thanks Bonfire Night) so want to avoid anything with magnesium in it.

Alternatively, if anybody have any non-feed related suggestions - I am open to trying anything but he needs to stay where he is.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
6 April 2009
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Is there anyone else that you could get to lunge or ride him? Or could you find a grass livery for the rest of the winter? I know you said you can't move him but it might make both of your lives easier if he could just be turned away if he doesn't do well stabled.


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18 October 2021
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I have been using Equine America Super So Kalm Powder daily in feed and have kept the matching paste on hand for a more acute top up if needed, as my mare has to stay in for now. It's hard to know objectively if the effects are down to the calmer specifically but she does seem to be dealing well with the box rest. I also use a probiotic supplement to help with stress, account for lack of grazing and reduce chance of ulcers


Well-Known Member
15 June 2009
Was Surrey, now West Berkshire
To be honest I would be looking at the cause of him being more stressed rather than deal with the symptoms, especially if he has had ulcers already. When I was pregnant with both my children, I loose schooled or lunged, and the rest of the time my mare was exercised by yard staff and a friend who rode once a week. That said, my mare had plenty of turnout (and I had Feb/March babies, so this was across Winter). If you can't do the above, can you find a 'retirement' livery sort of place to turn him away for a few months till you are ready to ride again?