Can Anyone Help - Abandoned Yard Cats


Well-Known Member
7 August 2009
Sat Day Dreaming .....
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A couple recently got thrown off of the farm where I keep my horses, they moved their 11 horses, 2 goats, rabbits etc, but have left behind their 2 yard cats, they are so sweet, both neutered and great mousers/rat catchers, but they are just living in an empty barn now, they are only about 2 years old, brother and sister, I have been feeding them because I feel sorry for them and can't stand to hear them miawing and hungry, the farmer is in the process of ripping the stables down out of the barn and is going to rent is as an industrial unit, so i'm even more worried about these cats now as their home is being taken away too :(

If I could have them I would but i've already got 2 yard cats of my own and really can't afford to take on another 2 mouths to feed etc.

The cats are in Essex but if I could help them find a home I would drive them to wherever they needed to be, I don't want them going off in a fright with all the work going on around their barn and then god knows what happening to them :(

If anyone can help ....................


Well-Known Member
14 January 2010
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I love in East Sussex and would be interested in having them. My only concern is that my yard is at home. I already have 3 cats who live in the house. For some reason they very rarely wander down to the yard so not very good mousers! Who tame are they? I would be a little bit worried if they are quite friendly it would be very difficult for me not to have them in the house in bad weather and I think 5 cats would annoy my husband somewhat!
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Well-Known Member
7 August 2009
Sat Day Dreaming .....
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I love in East Sussex and would be interested in having them. My only concern is that my yard is at home. I already have 3 cats who live in the house. For some reason they very rarely wander down to the yard so not very good mousers! Who tame are they? I would be a little bit worried if they are quite friendly it would be very difficult for me not to have them in the house in bad weather and I think 5 cats would annoy my husband somewhat!

Hi, i'll not lie to you they are tame, they are not feral, the boy one seems friendlier than the female, she spends the whole of her day down in the field mousing/catching small rabbits, and doesn't really come near or by, except when I feed them, the boy one hangs around the stable barn/hay sheds, mousing around there, but if you go over he comes over to be stroked, please don't get yourself a divorce over them :D

There is a house on the farm where they are but they never go near it, they only go in the fields (female) or in the barn/stables where they are fed and have their blankets/old rugs to sleep on, in fact the boy one has an old white patio chair with a blanket in and if he's sleeping, he sleeps on that :)


Well-Known Member
14 January 2010
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This may sound like a silly question. Having only had cats who live at home and spend all day snoozing on the beds. How do you feel when it's snowing and -7 outside about the cats not being warm and cozy in the house. That's the only thing I am struggling with. ps what colour are they?


Well-Known Member
7 August 2009
Sat Day Dreaming .....
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I've replied to your p.m.

My own yard cats have the run of the stables and hay barns and so if its wet or snowing they would be inside and usually quite high up on the hay or straw stack, presumably keeping themselves warm, mine have never been sick or sorry, but I always feed them a constant supply of biscuits and then meat twice a day, maybe that's wrong but that's what my own get.
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Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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I really hope all this pm'ing is a positive sign! :D;) If not though then perhaps the Cats Protection League might be able to help, if they can't take them in themselves they might know of someone looking for yard cats.

I've just taken in a small feral that I strongly suspect is pregnant and already have two cats of my own so I'd definitely be up for divorce if I took them.:D


Well-Known Member
7 August 2009
Sat Day Dreaming .....
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Touchstone, yes thanks to NWalker they have a new home so their future is safe and sound.

I would have eventually taken them to a re-homing shelter as a last resort but felt it would be really hard for them to be shut in a small cage after being yard cats for all of their life so really hoped i would find someone for them without resorting to that.

Thank goodness for HHO :)


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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That's brilliant news!

I hope the cats enjoy their new home and N.Walker gets loads of enjoyment from them. Great result! :)


Well-Known Member
8 July 2010
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Brilliant news!! Well done Nwalker! Give us an update of there new lives soon!!
We have got about 6 yard cats (although 1 does go in house as its 'bullied'...or a wimp)
They keep warm all winter, they do hvae food twice a day but they lie in the hay/straw or in the stables, the horses all like them, quite often you can see the bed they have made in a corner. Even when it was -15 here last winter they were playing in the snow and they were just given more food as couldnt hunt.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2010
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I'm really excited about having them. Just wonder how long it will be before they're snuggled up on the beds ....!


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
North East Suffolk
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Great news!

I have outside cats. They are very good and finding somewhere warm and comfprtable. You could always provide a sturdy box with some vet bed in if it makes you feel happier. They probably won;t use it though!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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This may sound like a silly question. Having only had cats who live at home and spend all day snoozing on the beds. How do you feel when it's snowing and -7 outside about the cats not being warm and cozy in the house. That's the only thing I am struggling with. ps what colour are they?

Worry not. Cats are masters of finding warm and cozy.

I have 7 or 8, maybe more, and mine are all barn cats. They curl up anywhere and everywhere. Tractor seats are a favourite. As long as they have access to food and water and shelter (give them a bed in the tackroom? hay shed?) then they'll be fine. The temperature thing, don't worry. We have months where the average daytime temp is below -10C my cats don't care.
10 March 2009
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Those of you that have rehomed yard cats to your house, do you need to litter train them to being inside or do they naturally wait to go outside ?


Well-Known Member
10 August 2008
North Lincolnshire
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Well done for taking on the cats NW! I have two farm cats, I can't have them at home as previously two got run over and we don't even live on a busy road. Mine were ok all through the terrible winter, I have a big container in one of the sheds that I keep all the horse rugs in and they managed to make themselves a lovely nest in an old rug with a sheepskin lining. Food and water were paramount and yes I did feel guilty but they managed with the cold really well.