Can someone interpret these x rays please?


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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And I would wonder whether the back is causing the feet, the feet are causing the back or if it's one giant compensatory circle.


this. Even if the KS is medicated then the problem of the poor feet (per the x rays) are still going to be there and if progress is to be made then they too will have to be sorted.

you can build a horse up all you like with top line exercises, saddle fitting and the like but at the end of the day the poor feet are still there and still need to be addressed.

(sorry can't do quotes)
I'm a realist and I don't think he can be helped, he's already lost so much top line again, I feel like we are back to square one. But until I've done everything I can within my insurance money I won't know. I also was wondering about seeing if a chiropractor could help him at all.

I am also a realist and have seen how much can be done for a horse and it's posture by simple correction of the feet. A relatively cheap thing to do but sadly it rarely seems to be top of anyone's list.