Can't get to my horses and really worried,frickin snow!


Well-Known Member
30 January 2007
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Managed to get to my parents house last night after work as couldn't get home due to the snow,we are now snowed in here with 11 inches of snow and still laying! I'm really worried about my horses esp one that yesterday could hardly get about (see post from yesterday,may have wobblers) they are out in a fairly open field,no hay and i know the water trough would be frozen as well now. I last saw them at 1.30pm yesterday,they were well fed and hay'd and i broke water trough.
The two skinnies have med weight full neck rugs on and arn't clipped and the Welsh D has a l/w no fill rug on and also isn't clipped. I'm more worried about Davey the welsh,desp to check his legs and see if he's coping ok and if he's worse or better. Tried ringing friend who lives right next to my yard and her bloody phone has no signal,also tried friend who has her yard near to mine and hers is switched off. My dad is giving me a lift up later in his 4x4 but it wont be til 4/4.30,really worried and am stuck here. Would walk but parents house is 5 miles from yard and we have had some of the worst snow here,no cars gone by since 7pm yesterday. I walked the dogs round the common and was def ready to come home by 1 mile away so don't want to risk it as my health isn't great anyway. Will keep trying friends. Would of brought them in last night but bloody YO decided to start repairs on my stable roofs yesterday as it was leaking so they had to stay out last night,just my luck


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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Sorry if I missed it in your post but have you tried contacting the YO?

Also, depending on what snow things you have with you and how bad your health is setting off now to walk will get you there before waiting for your Dad. Wouldn't risk it in an isolated area or if you don't have good phone reception on the route though...

Fingers crossed one of the near by people gets back to you soon...


Well-Known Member
1 September 2007
Leeds, West Yorks
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can you get hold of YO and at least ask them to throw hay out, I would have suggested walking but if your health is not good then it probably isn't worth the risk to yourself. Ive just been watching the news and you have it far worse down there than we got it. I hope it doesn't sound harsh but it wont kill them to wait a few more hours, there are many out there that live like this all the time and they will cope but I hope your welsh is ok and not too cold if he can't move around much.


Well-Known Member
14 April 2007
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Hope you can get there safely later on to get them sorted. Fingers crossed by the time you read this one of your friends will have picked up your missed call and can have helped you.


Well-Known Member
30 January 2007
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I say YO they are not horsey whatsoever! I basically rent my yard from a country estate but they do repairs etc as it's in my contract. They have nothing to do with the horses and wouldn't have a clue what to do,think they are prob busy towing people out with the tractors as well!!! I would walk but reception vvvv dodgy in a number of places and snow comes way over my knee high boots and goes into them so i would be snowed in myself if i walked!!!! I am not a wimp by any means and tried loads to get the car out and going but no chance,i just know i can't physically make it.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2008
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Try not to worry, horses are amazingly resilient, they are all rugged and they can dig through the snow to find grass, I'm sure they will be ok till you get there. It's the same for everyone accross the country at the moment, we've had 10inches of snow here and I can't get to the yard, but YO has thrown hay over stable doors and checked water..bless her... so keep smiling.


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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Maybe just ask the country estate people to chuck a few piles of hay in and then (so they aren't being mugged by hungry horses while they do it) smash the water a bit? Even non-horsey types should be able to do that I'd guess?

And, importantly: Don't Panic!


Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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Try not to worry.

Your horses will have kept the ice broken on the trough. My shetland and Welsh D keep a little area clear big enough to get their nose through for a drink even though the ice is more than 1/2ft thick. I do smash it all twice a day, but it all freezes over again.

Your ponies will be able to dig for grass if there is any. Or pick at Brambles and trees/hedges.


Well-Known Member
10 April 2008
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Where abouts are you- I;m oxon/bucks border, and can easily get about in big 4 x4- if you're not far, I'd happily go and check they've got 4 legs etc. and break ice/give hay.


Well-Known Member
16 January 2007
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If you're being taken over to see them today I would try not to worry. Yes it's not nice but horses are very resiliant. Keep trying your friends and keep warm!


Well-Known Member
10 April 2008
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Though a thought- I wouldn't be able to get up much before you Dad adn you- didn't read that bit LOL Sorry.

Surely it would have been worse if you'd left them in?!


Well-Known Member
30 January 2007
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I know i am being pathetic! Wouldn't worry normally but am concerned for my welsh boy,he's a fighter though so i am sure they will cope till later.
Thanks Llanili you are so kind but that would be asking too much,thank you so much anyway!

Rang YO and all estate workers arn't in!!!! Just him and his wife who are over 70!!! Think i will wait til later rather than asking them,their house isn't that near my yard,it's a massive estate!!!

Moggy in Manolos

Well-Known Member
8 March 2006
South Glos
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Try not to worry, horses are amazingly resilient, they are all rugged and they can dig through the snow to find grass, I'm sure they will be ok till you get there.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with this, they should be fine until you get there


Well-Known Member
20 October 2006
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i'm sure they will be fine Em but could someone from one of the workshops maybe just check on them to put your mind at rest? Tia and the girls are all out and they seem fine, only two of us got there this morning but we did turned out most of the horses and hayed the others (if we weren't sure they'd be going out in the snow anyway!) and have delivered fresh large bales of hay to all the fields! Times like these I am glad tha a)I can walk to stables and b) everyone there will always help each other out!
I didn't realise was 5 miles from your parents to the yard tho, I woudln't try and walk that if I were you I have done about 3 mile round trip this morning (home, yard, budgens, dog walk via heathers house then home!) and that was enough!!


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I'm in Bicester so probably not far from you & I can't get out either, my OH works about 45 mins away so he took the 4x4.
I tried to get to work but the road was impossible so I had to turn around but then I couldn't get home either! Luckily a very nice man in a Landrover took pity on me & towed me home.
My 2 live out & some other liveries with 4x4s have given them hay for me. They're well rugged & have got hay so they'll be fine.
I'd be much happier if I could see to them myself but they won't care if I don't make it up there.