Canter quandary - stiffness or something more sinister?


6 June 2015
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Hello all, Daisy and I have been having some issues lately which I think we have mostly worked through, but we have one remaining problem in that she seems to have forgotten how to canter under saddle.

On Boxing Day she went for a gallop round the field and we believe she slipped and tweaked something. So she was a bit sore, then went "bridle lame", wouldn't canter and was doing this intermittent hopping thing in trot. She's had the chiropractor and we seem to have sorted the trot out now.

But canter is still a disaster. We haven't done much lately, but when I do ask she strikes off into canter, goes disunited and almost hops up and down on her front legs. It feels awful and my instructor can't identify what exactly she's doing either. It's as if she has literally no idea what she's doing with her legs. Most of the time we can get a few sensible strides on the right rein, but pretty much none on the left. She can't maintain it, and breaks back into trot in a bit of a heap. She is much better on the lunge, but not quite right.

She's always had a rubbish canter, she gets over excited about it and hardly seems to bend her knees. Don't laugh, but her canter almost reminds me of this:

Has anyone else had a similar problem? What was the cause and the outcome? Saddle fits her OK but is not a long term solution, and the chiro is coming back on Thursday to watch me ride before treating her. She mentioned sacroiliac problems and my heart dropped :( I bought her almost a year ago, she was very weak with no idea how to carry herself at all, so I'm really hoping it's just another crease we're going to have to iron out.


Well-Known Member
11 April 2011
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I have to say if it was my horse I would be thinking vet by now. That's a long while for a tweak. I'm lucky enough to have access to a Chiro vet so she can also diagonose and has links to my conventional vet. If you have had just a Chiro they can only do so much unless they are working with a vet. It sounds as if you either need to investigate more or turn away for a considerable time to let thing settle. There is pain there somewhere.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2010
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Chiro is not allowed to diagnose - unless he/she is also a vet. You need to get a diagnosis from your vet, and then the vet refers you to a suitable bodyworker who will treat the horse according to vets instructions.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
Up North
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Vet, vet, VET! Only a proper diagnosis can tell you what it really is. My gelding jiggered his annular ligament and that presented itself as hopping at canter - only a scan by a vet would be able to identify that. He wasn't dreadfully lame with it either and after inital lameness appeared sound in walk and trot. The vet at the time said it could be a large number of things, so he did a flexion test and a scan at the yard - this identified the problem. An operation and 6 months rehab and he's doing well so it's not the end of the world - most things can be fixed.
No disrespect but chiropractor isn't going to have any idea about internal structures within a horse's leg.