Cavalier King Charles Spaniels: How to find a "good" breeder?


Well-Known Member
14 April 2011
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Just posting this on the offchance that somebody on here knows of the right people to speak to / has any ideas I've not already thought of.

Basically my mum has recently retired & would like a dog to walk, cuddle & generally spoil rotten. Said dog would have to put up with living alongside Horrid the cat so we're ideally wanting a puppy in the hopes this will give the best chance of them eventually tolerating each other / even becoming friends. We had a Cavalier when I was growing up who was absolutely lovely temperament wise & energy level wise so we would like another. We got her over 20 yrs ago so of course things have moved on since then.

Having spent hours poring over various breed health websites I'd like parents both sides to have had all relevant DNA tests, to have been eye tested, to have been heart scanned by a cardiologist at the correct age (& ideally yearly thereafter), to have had MRI scans for SM (& at least one of them to have been older than 3 yrs at the time) & for both parents to be over 2.5 yrs old at time of breeding. I'm also not a fan of the overly domed heads (which from reading a study Liverpool university did seem to possibly be linked to higher SM risk anyway) or overly shortened noses so am perhaps looking for a more moderate dog than what is winning in the show ring.

How in the name of all that is holy do I find the breeders who health test to the extent I'd like? (I know it's no guarantee, puppy will be insured & I work in veterinary but would like puppy to have the best shot possible of being born healthy)

Have spoken to puppy co-ordinator from the breed club but the breeders being suggested aren't ticking all the boxes I'd like ticked so wondering what my other options might be (other than speaking to other people on the list to see if they can put me in touch with alternative breeders & hope I get lucky eventually?)


Well-Known Member
25 January 2015
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I know this doesn't answer your question, I am sure someone else will come along with a more relevant answer. But for me, personally, I wouldn't feel comfortable supporting such a biologically buggered breed. Yes, they are lovely, and it's totally the fault of humans and the way we have bred them, but there are plenty of similar breeds of dog that don't have a health list of hereditary or biologically prone illnesses and problems.

- Bichon Freise
- Lhasa Apso
- Brittany Spaniel
- Havanese
- Tibetan Spaniel
- Maltese
(Disclosure: I am no expert on the breeds in this list, just what popped into mind as similar build/temprement)

I know it's disappointing, I love pugs and English bulldogs, but regardless of whether I can find a good breeder or not I just couldn't support the breeding of such a fundamentally flawed dog.


Normal, 10 cats ago
14 January 2008
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Probably not what you are after at all but if you are anywhere near Wales there is the sweetest (and saddest) CKCS up for adoption. She is currently under assessment but she looks so lost, poor little soul. West Wales Poundies on Facebook - Bessie.

ETS - she is not suitable as needs another dog. This is how your Mum ends up with two. :p:cool:


Well-Known Member
22 May 2014
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Following, as we’d also be interested in any info that might pop up. CKCs’ seems to be imploding, in terms of health & breeding, which is very sad.


Well-Known Member
16 September 2012
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I would love a CKC but as other posters have said, it's very hard to find healthy ones. I wonder whether a crossbreed with something else would be healthier?

I second @AShetlandBitMeOnce 's excellent list of suitable dogs breeds. It may also be worth looking at cat savvy rescue dogs too. There may even be a CKC breed rescue.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Probably not what you are after at all but if you are anywhere near Wales there is the sweetest (and saddest) CKCS up for adoption. She is currently under assessment but she looks so lost, poor little soul. West Wales Poundies on Facebook - Bessie.

ETS - she is not suitable as needs another dog. This is how your Mum ends up with two. :p:cool:

If anyone is interested in Bessie do phone WWP. They’re always happy to work with potential adoptees if they don’t completely fulfill the criteria.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2011
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Interested to follow as I’ve always had a soft spot for CKC but we didn’t get one despite them ticking all the boxes because of concerns over health issues. We went for a papillon instead, another breed that would probably tick your boxes and she is fabulous, plus has the same pretty spaniel marking.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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there was someone on here whose mother used to breed them and she may be able to give you a contact , she left some time ago but i think some people on here may know how to get in contact with her, she posted as levrier and had greyhounds and a terrier from someone on here


Well-Known Member
5 February 2014
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We have had 3 CKCS previously. We lost our last nearly a year ago .
He was the most fabulous dog, so laid back but very athletic. He had fantastic breeding , celxo lines, and lived to 13.
Unfortunately, I don’t think I would have another due to poor breeding and numerous health conditions.
The breeder and stud owner he came from have not bred them for many years now. B38CA377-B0A7-43FD-979E-13F278071C66.jpeg


Well-Known Member
30 December 2011
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I agree with the others that they have lots of health problems these days. And don't be duped into thinking poodle cross cavaliers (I can't bring myself to call them Cavapoos) are any healthier. There are no guarantees.

For something similar, temperament and size wise, I agree with the post above, except I would steer clear of Lhasa Apsos because of the eye problems they seem to be prone to getting.

Havanese would be my pick.


New User
3 September 2021
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I wouldn’t touch any designer cross with a stupid name…. They do not steer clear of the generic diseases their ancestors had in any way ☹️

I would say it is pot luck whether you can find a healthy CKCS nowadays, although it appalls me totally to say so ☹️ Standards have totally gone down the plug hole ??


28 January 2021
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We have two Cavaliers at the moment, having lost our old boy in 2017 to cancer at the age of 11.
After discussing with the breed club we eventually found our two boys on a site called Champdogs, the site details the checks the parents have had, age etc but we still did our due diligence by following up on each and every advert with a phone call, visit to mum and dad and site of all certificates.
If you were thinking of an older dog then there is also a rescue centre for Cav’s called
Bliss Cavalier who are very honest about the Cav’s they have, which we also looked at before we got our two, although alot of their Cavs do tend to already have health issues.
Good luck in your search, they really are the most beautiful, well natured companions


Well-Known Member
12 January 2017
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Tibetan spaniels or papillons (or the drop eared version, phalene) are super dogs and quite similar in terms of as a bright little companion dog.
I don’t know at what point cavaliers are recognised as needing sensible outcrossing to either - but that’s a different story.