CC please!!


Well-Known Member
13 August 2009
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Hey, Just after a bit of CC really. The horse is a 12yr old belgian wb who I've had for a few months but not been able to ride cos of the weather. He has been mainly used for SJ so his outline is still a bit wonky at times and he seems to find staying in a rhythm a bit of a challenge too!

This was only the second time since september that I have ridden and Iam very fat and unfit but am working on this so please be kind!


Well-Known Member
4 March 2009
Way down south
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You like like you want him to stretch but everytime he goes to stretch your not giving enough with your hands, so he cant and is getting confused as to what you want him to do, lots of long low slow work. he dosnt need to do walk to canter and vice versa trans, try getting a nice rhythmic trot with him working long and low first.
He looks a really nice horse though and you have a great position just try and be a bit softer!


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13 August 2009
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Yeah, Iam trying to get him to stretch down so you are probably right about my hands being restrictive. He doesn't look it in the video but he is quite strong at times and then all of a sudden goes light and soft. I guess I'm not being quick enough to soften back. I will try to find a bit of video showing his trot so you can see what you think.


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12 March 2010
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I agree with above post, you have your hands set wide so as to offer him long and low but they are fixed down at the pomel of the saddle, move them forward to create a longer and eventually rounder outline as currently he's being held so he has no option other than to over bend. You essentially want to have the same amount of length of horse behind the saddle as in front but the front is currently being shortened by your hands. perhaps shorten the reins and lift the hands up and forward to offer him the chance to work forwards more.
Lovely horse though and again you have a good position. Good luck!


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13 August 2009
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I will definately try that. I do tend to hold too much with my hands even though my reins are probably too long! Thanks.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2009
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Exactly as above - lovely type though and looks like he will come good when allowed to use himself. Agree to hold off from walk to canter trans and concentrate on improving trot work if he's wonky and inconsistant.
Other than your hands, you ride nicely and look good together!
What do you plan to do with him?


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13 August 2009
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I really love my dressage so think that's what we will mainly be doing. I haven't jumped for years but he is really honest and loves his jumping so I'm hoping he might give me a bit of my confidence back.

Here is a clip of some trot work. Please excuse us banging into the wall at the end!

H's mum

Well-Known Member
27 November 2003
The horse does look weak over it's topline so like others have said you really could do with some long low stretch work to get him working over his back more - Your hands are very fixed - I'd suggest bending your elbows and carrying your hands more - He's tucking his nose behind the vertical so you need to be pushing your hands forwards to encourage him to push his nose vertical, whilst riding more with your legs to fill up the gap (if that makes sense?)
Kate x


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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What a smashing, smashing horse - who clearly knows what's expected, and is just waiting for the right instructions. You actually have a lovely seat - just get off your hands.

Would be nice for the horse to be hacking out to build up his frame. Not sure where you're based, but certainly the weather hasn't been so bad as to not be able to ride for 6 months - so crack on (and buy some wet weather gear).


Well-Known Member
7 September 2009
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Once you can encourage him to stretch (the outline can come later), you'll start to feel him lengthen and his trot in particular will improve.

He looks very tight through his neck and poll but once this is corrected, he'll use himself better and the trot can become bigger once he is built up and useing the correct muscles.

Good luck - a nice boy to have to work on!


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4 October 2009
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Ok I may be wrong so please don't attack my point if I am! lol But I would check you are sitting centrally in the saddle your right leg is more tense and your heel slightly raised but on your left side (I think!) you had the heel down and more relaxed (looking again at the vid it could be that your using your leg though!). Agree with above just need to shorten the rein and carry the hand a bit more to let him go forward and relax into his outline.

Looks like a fab horse and you look good together. Best of luck with everything you decide to do. Would love to hear how your getting on
: o )
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
13 August 2009
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I'm based in Aberdeenshire where the snow has been absolutely horrendous. He has been getting hacked out by a friend tho before the bad weather but I have been sidelined with a bad back since september. So he has been exercised tho not probably in the correct way. I'm also lunging him a couple of times a week in a pessoa to improve his topline and muscle. Does that sound like a good idea? He has only been back in work a couple of weeks so I expect his muscle to begin to improve gradually. I have also booked a lesson for next month to give me some idea of the correct schooling exercises and to get shouted at about my hands!! You are all right when you say his trot will improve if he can stretch down more. Why can't I tell that when I'm on him!!??


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Ah, of course - you've had really difficult weather. Apologies.

You need a lunge lesson - either on your horse or another one. It will do wonders for you.


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13 August 2009
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You could be right about my right leg now I think about it. When I ride next I will try and be more aware of that. Thanks.


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28 February 2008
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Look up, rather than looking down and worrying whats happening with the front end, no wonder your running into walls.

Work a little lower, the horse does not have the correct muscles to work with a higher head carriage.

Try to think about rythem, lots of lengthening and shortening of the stride, a good exercise is working on a 20 m circle and slowing down into a sitting for a quarter then pushing into a rising again, really gets them coming through from behind, at the moment although you can see he has some nice paces its still stuffy which down his neck, then your horse will drop into a comfortable contact.

Keep you hands still, stop tweaking your reins, if your working on a large there is no need for any movement until your coming to a bend, he needs to be working around your leg rather than with your hands (so to speak) at them moment your giving mixed messages, otherwise you will teach him to lean on you and he will not be sensitive to the slightest movement with your finger.

Lift your hands and bring them forward a tad (will feel strange but is just while your training him), so your giving your horse an opportunity to seek a comfortable contact.

You'll get there, its always easy for people to comment but until your actually riding and putting it all together its a different story, lovely horse, good luck with him.


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5 September 2006
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I agree he's a lovely horse, and I think work on the pessoa on the low setting will do him wonders. He needs to seek forward into the contact and the pessoa may help that as you hands are blocking him somewhat. When he does soften, imagine your reins are solid and push your hands forward straight down towards his bit (without throwing the rein at him) and encourage him to stretch his neck out. It may be easier to practise that in walk first. I would also say that particularly in the trot video you need to push him on a bit more. He's not tracking up and needs to move more forward and then he will swing over him back more and then your "outline" will become truer...

Do you have an instructor?


Well-Known Member
13 August 2009
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I don't have anyone I can use regularly at the moment but I will start looking for a reputable insructor. I do get a lesson once every 6wks from a lady who travels up from down south but obviously I need someone else in between. Also, I'm not trying to make him work in such a high outline. He just goes that way, and in fact, I'm trying to get him to stretch down more as I'm aware he needs to cover more ground. He is quite deceptive to the viewer as to start with he is very forward and rushing and then all of a sudden he loses energy and almost grinds to a halt. It all feels a bit stop/start at the mo. I will work him using all your suggestions for the next month and then at the end of april when I have my next lesson, I will get some video taken and post it. See if you guys notice a difference. Any suggestions about feed while we're at it? He currently gets Alfa Oil Chaff, Baileys Topline Conditioning Mix and sugar beet plus pink powder and soya oil twice a day. And as much good quality haylage as he can eat!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2003
Huntingdon, Cambs
I agree, you need to soften and raise your hands, at present he is hollowing and not really going forward properly, I understand he feels strong but it looks to me rather that he is on the forehand so you need to get him forward long and low in a good rythm first and then, as he strengthens over his back you can start to bring him up.

You lack core stability which is one of the reasons your hands are set but your body moves a lot, if you can improve your core muscle strength, this will really help and will stop you balancing on your hands.

You do have the makings of an elegant pair so keep going.


Well-Known Member
25 July 2007
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As someone else said you have quite a good seat. However again like the others say you are too restrictive with your hands. Also watch it yourself and see how you 'mess with your hands, ie they are going back and forth almost sawing his head and this is why he keeps flexing his head one way then the other. In the trot and canter you are not so bad at this but still fixed with your hands.
Also sorry to be blunt but if he has only been back in work a couple of weeks why were you cantering, never mind walk to canter. He needs to be much stronger over his back first.

The pessoa is great so long as he stretches down and doesn't sit behind the verticle

Yet again like someone else said, lovely horse who has a very good idea what is expected but waiting for you to ask. He is really weak on topline and needs to do lots of walking and stretching over his back while relaxing too

Once you correct these little things you will both look amazing!!

BTW your not fat!!!