Can anyone recommend any good human supplements for clicky joints? I have found that I am becomming increasingly clicky over the last year and especially so when the temperature drops
The human version of Cortaflex is brilliant, I've found its completely cured any sore/clicky joints that I had.The lady who prduces my eventer also takes flax oil daily, and rates that very highly... Good luck!
Put cortaflex in google. The company who supply it will come up and you can buy the human version from them. Also just plain old Glucosamine from the herb shop. My friend had an op on her knee last year and had a lot of problems afterwards. She had the second knee done this year and took glucosamine and has never felt so good and pain free.
Glucosamine - pah!! I have had cllicky hips/knees for years and it has done nothing for me!!
I do notice that when i have a lot of dairy it gets better though.