Clipping Legs - Pros & Cons?


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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I usually give my TB a hunter clip leaving his legs and half a head on but I am considering taking his legs off when I next clip as I am being driven mad by mud :mad:

Once again he has come in tonight with his legs caked in sticky, thick, clay mud, it is driving me insane! I think it's worse at the moment as he's charging about a lot to talk to his new neighbour! Ideally I'd like to hose his legs down every night but this is where the problem arises. Although he hasn't got particularly hairy legs they seem to take forever to dry even with leg wraps on! As he has arthritis in his hocks it's obviously not great for him to be stood with cold wet legs (he gets that covered that the whole leg needs washing.)

So, I'm thinking by clipping his legs off I'll be able to hose them down and then get them dry and warm much quicker, am a bit unsure about whether I'll regret it or not.

Does clipping the legs of make a huge difference to the overall body temperature? Last winter I struggled to keep him warm but he is doing much better this year, he's only had a HW on about 3 times so far :p :D

He gets turned out every day, even in snow, would this be a no no if his legs were clipped? Would his legs get too cold?
And also following on from that he may, on the RARE occasion have to stay out over night (well rugged with hay and feed), again would this be a big no no with clipped legs?

Sorry for the silly questions, I just need to make sure I'll be doing the right thing by taking them off! So yay or nay? Pros and cons?

Thanks in advance :)


Well-Known Member
16 February 2010
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My mares legs looked rediculously fluffy this year so I got the masterclip showmate clippers (very small quiet clippers for face and those sort of areas) and it came with plastic attachments so you can choose how long the fur is. I put the 12mm ones on and clipper her legs so they still have some fluff but most is gone and it is much better.

Could u wait for the mud to dry and then brush it off? this is what I usually do. Or else get some turnout chaps. I have the equi-chaps close contact set for my boy (have a pair of size 2 if interested) and his legs are actually staying white :O as well as dry and warm and stops him kicking himself like he usually does.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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Might look at Equi chaps, didn't think of those :)

I could wait for it to dry and then brush it off but on a normal workings day I don't get home till 8:30/8:45pm which will make it very late by the time they are dry, and there really is a huge amount of mud that's not easy to brush out!

Should have said I do plan to clip them out when I do a final clip at the end of Feb it's just if I should bring it forward a couple of months :confused:


Well-Known Member
15 March 2010
North England
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Rowy can you post some pictures of your horses clipped legs?
My TB has a blanket clip at the moment but his has stupidly fluffy legs, he always has done. In winter he turns into a giant overgrown shetland, no matter how much he is rugged.