Co-eee! NEW MEMBERS - tell us about yourself


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6 October 2008
somewhere quiet
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Well-Known Member
19 January 2008
worcestershire ish
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I've been a lurker, but i'll poke my nose out a bit

I'm Bessie, and I live in north worcestershire, with several cats a ferret and my big beast horse. Shes a 16.2 ISH mare. We hunt and do county level workers but mainly showjump at disc 1.05ish. I Bsja'ed all over the place on ponies when I was younger, but had a rocky time moving onto horses and became a massive wuss, current horse has sorted that one way or another, so im looking for a younger model atm, which is nice.

I joined just out of intrest really, Im a bit scared to post to be honest, no offence! I'm a sensitive soul really

....but the france thing, I don't think I know enough about it to make a judgement really, but one things for sure, I have a photo of a horse steak I saw in a french supermarket as motivation for beastie! Works a treat.

muddy boots

Well-Known Member
14 August 2008
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Hello - I never really introduced myself. I've got an oldish boy, we used to do quite a lot but are slowing down now - hence the post on arthritis and bute. I've had him for years and years. Thanks by the way for advice from forum, I'm trying cortavet at the mo... will keep you posted. Vet coming out again this month, boy is sound, just stiff at the moment, better with work, I think Danilon will follow soon as he has a lot of wear and teat - some with me, but a lot before. Mostly happy hacking these days. My problem is that my horse really needs me to win the lottery and to have more time to spend with him - unfortunately long work hours are a necessary evil to be able to afford him.


Well-Known Member
28 November 2008
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I've been a lurker for ages too.
I got started lurking when we got a pony for my daughter last September and just wanted to get some advice and things. We've got a Section A 12.2 named Chance. My daughters still on lead rein, so it's fun stuff!

I've been around a lot more lately after reading the Franchgate posts. I'm not really a horsey person, so can't really comment.... but it all sounds awful to me.
Having looked on one of 'their' forums, it almost smacks of shopping channel mentality.... buy... sorry I mean save... this pony within so many hours or it will be put onto the 'bad lorry'. Very scarey stuff.


Well-Known Member
26 January 2009
The Edge of Suburbia, Berkshire.
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I'm another like Weezy4 - my daughter loans an 11.2 Welsh Sect A, which we found through an advert in our feed shop, was only at the end of our road (companion to an older horse), but I did ride a little in my teens, not been on a horse for about 25 years but I am tempted...keep looking at all the adverts.
My daughter is 9 and has been riding for 5 years, she still rides at her riding school most weeks, but we also have a private instructor for the pony as the pony has not been in work much for the past 2 or 3 years and can be naughty - not a novice ride although perfect in traffic and lead rein, but is getting much better with schooling. My daughter's best friend has her own pony as her family are horsey and she goes out showing and jumping and the whole family wins a lot of rosettes so of course my daughter wants to do some shows too this year, so I'm sure I'll be wanting some tips on what to do what to wear as I never went near a pony show when I rode!
My current favourite hobby, following some recent threads on here, is re-reading my pony books, my excuse is I'm reading them to my daughter at bed time.


Well-Known Member
29 January 2009
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Well this is an appropriate place to put my head over the parapet. I joined only recently but have read the boards with interest at times (usually when I should be doing the housework!) I'm Ann. another one over 21 and living in Kent near Tunbridge Wells. I have a labrador, Digger who is coming up 6, and an Irish ex show cob Will, who is rising 19. These two lovely boys keep me plenty busy enough. I pretty much only hack Will as no transport and to be honest lack the bottle I once had. I have found though that dog sports can be equally fun and are far easier logistically! Digger has taken part in Dash and Splash competitions (long jump into water) and we are having agility classes, hoping to start with beginners competitions this summer. Will lives at a private house 3 miles from here with his pony friend Minnie and is fully DIY. An efficient rota with Minnie's owner makes this possible as I work in London.
I have followed some of the French rescue threads and want to say that I appreciate the work that some of you are doing to bring this scandalous situation into the public eye. Happy to help if I can.


Well-Known Member
17 November 2008
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I'm also guilty of lurking on here for a few months without posting. I have ridden/loaned horses for about 5 years

I look forward to the day I buy my own horse but this won't be until I have the time and when I can afford it alongside the mortgage, car etc!

In the meantime I enjoy my half loan horse, though I am mainly a happy hacker/flatwork although I have been learning to jump. Having lost my confidence recently I have found the confidence issues posts very helpful!

No views on French rescue business, I don't have time to read all the posts and keep up with it all.


Well-Known Member
15 June 2008
North Lincs
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Hi, apologies as I have been around but never formally introduced myself
I have been around horses since I was given the choice of ballet or horse riding! aged 6yrs. (decisions decisions!) I have now found that I have a horse hereditary condition which I have passed onto my daughters. I juggle a FT job with husband, family, other pets & horses (not necessarily in that order) . I am a reluctant PC mum, prefer poo picking to ironing & cannot stop looking at horse ads. I now bruise when I fall, cry when in pain but can also laugh at my mistakes (many) & move on... I am also not ashamed to use a mounting block or saddle saver for comfort!


Well-Known Member
2 December 2008
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Afraid i never introduced myself either...

im a 20 year old (soon to be 21)vet student with a hugh intrest in horses tho not a hugh amount of experience...did a few years of lessons (ie weekends in a yard) as a kid...walk trot canter but mostly how to take care of a pony etc..but the majority of my horsey time was helping with my younger neighbours connamara pony!learned most of my tricks riding Willow bareback and the rudiments of jumping...wat can i say kids are fearless and so incredibly stupid!!im told i have a good welll balanced seat now tho lol!
im begining to get back into the horses at the moment cos my horsey friends have anounced ill be a disgrace as a vet if i cant even manage to jump over a small course!or hunt it was a choice of either or..i tinkin hunting is the most appealing at the moment
adreneline junkie me?never
plus i plan to fulfil my 2nd chilhood dream when i qualify and get myself a lovely hacker/maybe hunting horse sadly dont have time space or monry at the minue:(
Joined horse and hound forum by chance cos i found it really intresting and now iv discovered im addicted
i rarely post tho in case i get my facts wrong and im not all that confident bout my horse knowledge yet tho im improving that from colage and on here!and of course my lessons on Merrylegs who is my favourite creature in the whole world these days!


Well-Known Member
29 October 2007
New Zealand
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I have never introduced myself either. My name is Ellie and I live in New Zealand. I spent a few years working for a well known show rider/judge/point to point trainer in the Cotswolds which was just fab-u-lous.

I have two horses, both TBs. Tai is a 27 year old that used to be an advanced eventer, he is now a retired gentleman. Spyke is a 10 year old Irish TB that raced in Hong Kong for two years before coming to NZ. I have been doing some snossage with Spyke and this weekend I have my very first ODE with him and I am quite nervous.

I have two bernese mountain dogs (blame my ex UK boss for that LOL) that are just a joy to have around.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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I'm a newbie, although I lurked for a while whilst looking for advice on resurfacing my arena.

My name is Jo, I work part time for myself as a Bowen Therapist (Human only) and look after our property rentals.

I have 2 horses, 4 cats and a non horsey hubby that loves me enough to put up with a horse mad wife and her mad friends.

Both my horses are IDxTB. Captain I have had since a yearling and he is now almost 7. He was renamed by a friend The Empire State Horse (ESH) as he didn't stop growing, he now stands at 17.1+ (I stopped measuring last year), I Mainly compete BSJA although we do dabble in dressage aswell.

My other Horse Flossie I have had for 8 years and she is having her first foal due begining May (in foal to ID Roma Diamond Skip), I had to semi retire her as she has a bad hock.

I can ususally be found during the week, out jumping at Manor Farm and Keysoe, although not been out since end of November due to captain's pelvis problem and my skiing holidays.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2008
scottish borders
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My name is Helen, i work full time on a very busy orthopaedic
ward so when i have a day off i like a drinky poo !
i also am a firm believer in charity begins at home.
I have also lurked for a while and found this forum entertaining and informative. I have 2 horses an elderly tb mare that i have had for around 14 years my eldest daughter used to compete with her at pony club and a big coloured boy that i have had for about 3 years , he is very pretty so allways
gets a rossete in showing classes only local level but im happy with that, we do try jumping from time to time but im not as good as him, we also have a go at dressage and one day i will remember a test . i have a boxer bitch and a wee cat and like me they are getting on a bit, my oh is not horsey but very good at feeding and seeing to horses when im working. I have ridden most of my life but took a back seat when kids were riding and competing they have moved on to other things so i have more time now to do what i want.


Well-Known Member
6 January 2009
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I am sort of new and also have never introduced myself.

Here goes.......

I have 2 horses an 18 year old 16.2hh IDxTB bay mare, i bought her when she was only 20months old but we never really clicked she is very stubborn as am i which lead to some ding dongs but she is very easy to care for. She has been a sickly horse most of her life and is now a happy hacker she is only part loan (on the same yard as me) and has a very nice life.

My second horse is a 12 year old 18hh ISH chestnut gelding, I have owned him for 6 years and didn’t think there was that much difference between a 17.2 and 18hh oh i was wrong he is enormous but lovely with it and although is a lively ride he gives you a really safe feeling. I have done the last 3 local show seasons competing in show hunter classes and he does really well because he loves showing off. He is an amazing jumper but i just cant stay on him so we only jump at home (small ones). I am going to concentrate on dressage this year and have my first completion on sat since last September. Wish me luck….

Oops forgot to talk about myself......

I am 30 something, married and class myself as having 2 kids, which are detailed about. I work part time and spend the rest of the day with my horses. My OH is in IT and ride for pleasure only so no mucking out or general riding just the fun stuff like the beach or Somerford Park etc. he also gets the job of calling my dressage tests and driving the wagon, well we need to keep them occupied.



Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Gekko, I think you are going to fit right in here

I am neither new nor interesting, a bit like an old picture on the wall that you could take down and people might say months later "Oh, wasn't there a picture there once?"