Pink Gorilla
Well-Known Member
So I've been feeding my 30 year old horse soaked Dengie grass pellets for the past week due to him struggling to chew hay. I've been introducing them gradually, increasing the amount a little each day. So by day 7 I had got up to 1.5 scoops of dry pellets (pre-soaking) per day. I've then been soaking them for 12 hours before splitting the amount over 3 buckets per day and making them much sloppier than the recommended 1:4 ratio. Anyway last night he colicked! His tummy kept rumbling really loudly before he would kick his belly a few times and trump out loads of gas. This lasted a few hours. Vet says the grass nuts could be too rich, like an overload of lush spring grass. Has anyone else had this problem? I daren't feed them anymore.