Colic suppliments


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10 August 2021
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My 25yo pb arab has had 3 bouts of spasmodic colic in the last couple of months. Are there any good suppliments I can put her on that might help prevent further episodes? She's fed veteran vitality. Any advice greatly recieved


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29 October 2008
West Mids
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My 25yo pb arab has had 3 bouts of spasmodic colic in the last couple of months. Are there any good suppliments I can put her on that might help prevent further episodes? She's fed veteran vitality. Any advice greatly recieved
Four things helped with my horse that was constantly getting spasmodic colic at one point.

1. Pink powder.
2. Strip grazing and altering the fence line every day by about a foot.
3. Changing the paddock water every third day during the Summer by scrubbing out and throwing away the water and replacing.
4. Feeding sloppy feeds by using speedibeet to add water

They were the only things that worked. The paddocks used to be a dairy farm for 100 years and only stopped about a year before we moved on so the grass was very rich, especially for imported horses (these strangely were the ones that seemed to suffer more).

I tried reducing turnout time, grazing muzzles, changing feeds, changing paddocks, worming for red worm (spasmodic colic can be an indication of high redworm burden).

The vet got so fed up of coming out as it was literally every week, that they said to give three bute in a feed (she would always eat even though she did have colic), put on the walker for 20 mins, return to the stable and watch. They said that colic would always over ride the bute. This always did the trick and I rarely had to get the vet after this although she did go on to get left dorsal nephrosplenic entrapment which was remedied by vet intervention on both occasions and in typical fashion was made worse by the fact she couldn't have the injection of phrenyphrenaline due to her 2nd degree heart block which could have brought on a fatal arrythmia.

After her 2nd LDNE (the last one being 2016) she only went on to probably have two more cases of spasmodic colic and I did get the vet out for those as the LDNE had scared me so much.

By this time I had introduced the sloppy feeds and changing the water every third day in the paddock during the Summer and I honestly think that these two thing helped me the most.

Jamie Kent

30 May 2021
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My 25yo pb arab has had 3 bouts of spasmodic colic in the last couple of months. Are there any good suppliments I can put her on that might help prevent further episodes? She's fed veteran vitality. Any advice greatly recieved

Depends on what you call spasmodic, they're usually caused by stress or change in feed so I wouldn't use a supplement for colics but more so one for stress but again depends on what your horse is really going through