Colic surgery - update.


Well-Known Member
28 April 2007
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Went to see my lad last night, it had been about 24 hours since he came out of surgery and they had finished with his IV fluids. They had given him a very small amount of chopped haylage on the floor of his stable to eat which he seemed to be enjoying when I arrived. He seemed a lot brighter and more himself, if a little bit grumpy! (But I think I would be feeling a bit grumpy afte starvation for 5 days and surgery). He has a whopping great scar on his tum but it looks nice and clean, at the moment. I was gutted when the man that was mucking out came in and removed some wet shavings, and then swept the shavings back and in the process swept all the tiny amount of chopped haylage he had been eating back into his bed

His heart rate was raised yesterday to 56!!! (His norm was about 40) But apparently this can be due to him having an operation the day before, will wait to see what it is today.

Just waiting now for him to be able to eat enough for his gut to try and digest it and then hopefully poo it out. Fingers crossed for the next 24 hours.


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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Thanks for the update...I was wondering how he got on.
My girl was starving after her surgery and devoured any food in sight...we took her in hand grazing outside...never seen a horse eat so quickly!
The vets told me that I'd see a big difference in her the third day after the surgery as the drugs and stress would make her a bit depressed for the first couple of days, so try not to worry too much (easier said than done, I know


Well-Known Member
28 April 2007
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I do feel a bit relieved cause he was much brighter than the days prior to the surgery. They have said they would like to walk him out in hand but because he is in isolation due to the Salmonella precautions he's got to stay in till they can rule it out. His legs have really started to stiffen up though so I took his thematex leg wraps up last night to help keep them warm.

How long did it take for your girl to manage to eat, digest and then produce some manures?



Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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I do feel a bit relieved cause he was much brighter than the days prior to the surgery. They have said they would like to walk him out in hand but because he is in isolation due to the Salmonella precautions he's got to stay in till they can rule it out. His legs have really started to stiffen up though so I took his thematex leg wraps up last night to help keep them warm.

How long did it take for your girl to manage to eat, digest and then produce some manures?


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Sorry, forgot you said they were worried about salmonella

My girl was a very strange case, as she had an apparently rare version of colic (she's special and expensive
) so although she was impacted she was passing a bit of diarrhoea before the surgery. During the surgery, they emptied out her entire gut (lucky them as she's a big girl) and she lost weight down to about 575kg...
After the surgery she was only allowed teeny bits of haylage... and in hand grazing for 15 mins, but was allowed her normal feed of dried grass chaff, and a handful of mix...but it took about 36 hours before anything appeared...and that was minimal...just because she hadn't eaten much, so again, try to not worry while you wait for the dung! Once she's home on box rest you'll be seeing and shifting more than enough of it

Mind did have a slight temperature in the couple of days after they worried a bit about peritonitis..but she was fine by day three.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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It took my horse three days to have a poo i tell you its the best feeling in the world when you walk upto see them and you can see faces ticked on the board i nearly cried. It horrible seeing them like that but he has got this far and its only a matter of time that you will be riding him again like i am with my boy! Some horses are just so strong! I bet he was so happy to see you. Sid whinnied so loud the second day after his op that everyone turned round! they are fighters good luck and best wishes to your ned! xx