Colic :-(

Bedford Joy

Well-Known Member
4 February 2012
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My 20 year old TB mare started with very watery diarrhea this morning and has gradually gone off her food and water over the day, she is glancing at her stomach and slightly pawing the ground. This is pretty obviously signs of colic but has anyone had experience of diarrhea with colic?

She has lots of water and electrolytes in her stable and a little hay which she's not touching.

The vet is on standby but they have said to watch her over the next couple of hours and turn her out in the school to keep her moving around.

I had a mare die of colic on new year day, she was a very bad wind sucker and her stomach burst and I'm scared for my old girl as she's dropped a lot of weight off over winter ...

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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I have seen colic in different forms but never with diarrhea as a symptom, I would want the vet sooner rather than later and am not sure I would be happy with the wait and see advice, she will be dehydrating and the longer she is left the worse it could become.


Well-Known Member
2 December 2008
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I'm another one that would want a vet visit before it gets dark!

I hope that she's ok. My thoughts are with you.


Well-Known Member
13 October 2010
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One of my horses had colitis which started with severe Diahorrea and then bouts of colic which cleared but kept coming back. The Diahorrea kept erring worse and the bouts of colic more and more severe. The last bout was so bad I rang the vet to pts but he was further away than I was to the vet hospital so I got her there. She was admitted as an emergency at 11pm and had her stomach tapped and was on fluids for 6 days. Unlike colic they can't operate so the key is to get the correct treatment ASAP.
If she has repeated bouts of colic and the Diahorrea continues I would want her on fluids straight away.
I really hope it isn't colitis as it wasn't nice and there is a high risk of thrombosis when they give them IVs (find my old tread in vet)


Well-Known Member
9 August 2005
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I would get vet out as diarrhea can be a sign of impaction as the poo is pushed past the blockage. I don't call the vet straight away when my horse is colicy as sometimes colicy symptoms just pass (probably a gas episode), but you don't in my experience get diarrhea with a gas colic. If she is off her food too then the stomach may ulcerate. Had the same thing with my boy, so I would call vet back especially as this has been all day without improvement. Have you taken her temp?


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Twice (2 different horses), I have called the vet out to horses with colic symptoms only to find that by the time the vet has arrived the symptoms have disappeared and the horse is fine. The vets came from different practices but both said that they would rather be called out to a false alarm than not get there soon enough to horse in danger. I would be very upset about a vet who asked me to wait for a visit to a colicking horse.
I do hope your horse is ok.


Well-Known Member
1 May 2009
Sunny Surrey
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I was also going to say colitis my boy had this then showed colic symptoms rushed in itu but sadly a week later he was Pts :(
I keep everything crossed however I'd be getting vet out now much sooner than later get her treated quickly
Thoughts to you both